Chapter 15: The Big Day Pt. 2

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"Um, where are the little ones?" Kenneth asked. I was on the verge of passing out.
"We lost our cousins!" Julianna shouted.
"Well gee J, let's just let the whole world know that we're so irresponsible that we let our 9 and 5-year-old cousins run off somewhere without our supervision!" I started to shout.
"Okay Joy calm down, I'm sure there around here somewhere." Ken said holding my shoulders.
"Well we're not going to find them any time soon by just standing here." Vincent said.
"Right, okay, uh, okay, so-"
"Can you just speaking already! You sound like the beginning of rap songs!" Julianna screamed. Kenneth looked about ready to punch her in her face. I hooked onto his arm before he could do anything else. He looked at me for reassurance and took a deep breath to calm himself down.
"What I was going to say before I got interrupted was that me and Joy look on this side of the building," he said pointing to his left. "And you and Vincent look on that side." He said pointing to his right.
"Okay, let's go!" I shouted.
"Wait!" Vincent shouted. "How are we supposed to know if one group found them and they don't have to keep looking anymore?" We all looked around for a while until I found some walkie talkies laying down on the floor.
"Here, we'll use these." I said handing him one. "Okay, now let's go!" I said before taking off. I heard Ken behind me trying to catch up.
"Joy, wait up!" He said sounding out of breath. "How are you running so fast?"
"Because 1, I'm wearing flats. And 2, we can't waste any time. The ceremony starts in an hour, and we literally lost 4 of the most important people in it." I said.
"How come they're so important?" Ken asked.
"Because Adrienna and Melanie are the flower girls. You can't have a wedding without flower girls. And Derrick and Adrien are the ring bearers. If there is no ring bearer, there's probably no ring. And if there's no ring, there really can't be a wedding. So therefore, no children, there'!" I shouted. I was getting really worried and I felt like I was going to have a panic attack.
"Joy, calm down." He said while holding my waist. "They have to be in this building somewhere, it's not like they all ditched the wedding to go start a brand new life in Hawaii. We'll find them. I promise." He said. All of a sudden, I wasn't even worried about them anymore. All I could think about was the first day I met Ken. The first night we hung out with each other. The first kiss we had in the hotel. The emerald necklace he got me, which I am still wearing, even if it doesn't work with the outfit I'm wearing. All of my feelings and worries were let free.
I saw Kenneth lean in, so I also leaned in. And right as our lips were about to touch....
Beep, Beep, Beep
"Incoming, Incoming, we found the target, I repeat, we found the target!!" Vincent shouted through the walkie talkie.
"Really Vincent!?" Kenneth shouted before answering.
"Okay, we're coming back down now." He said. We started making our way back downstairs. Once we got there, we saw the little ones talking to Julianna and Vincent.
"Where were you guys? I was worried sick!" I said.
"They were trying to get into the kitchen so that they can be the first ones to get cake." Julianna said.
"Seriously?" I said to them.
"It was Derrick's idea." Melanie said.
"No it wasn't. It was Adrien's idea." Derrick said.
"No! It wa-"
"Look!" Kenneth shouted, cutting Adrien off. "It doesn't matter who's fault it was! The point is, you all left without telling us. And if the adults found out, we would have gotten in trouble. And you guys could've gotten hurt. So the main lesson is, don't go anywhere without our permission. You guys understand?"
"Yeah." They all said in unison. They all went to go play with Vincent and Julianna, but Adrienna suddenly walked back up to us.
"We're sowy" Adrienna said. Kenneth crouched down to pick her up and hugged her.
"It's okay." He said. He put her down and ran off to the rest of the little ones who were talking to Vincent and Julianna. I walked up to Ken and swung my arm around his shoulder.
"Wow." I said.
"Wow what?" He asked.
"I never knew you had a way with kids. You would be an excellent father, just letting you know." I said.
"Hey, you never know." He said and winked at me. I rolled my eyes and stared at him.
"Your really taking advantage of this whole flirting thing, aren't you?" I asked.
"Hey, until your mom kisses my dad, we are not considered related to each other." He said.
"Whatever you say." I said back.
"Okay kids. All the guests are inside, let's start lining up by the door." The director said.
Once we were all upstairs, we saw all of the adults, except for my mom lining up.
"Hi baba." Julianna whispered.
"Hi sweetie, you look beautiful." Baba whispered back.
"Thank you. Julianna whispered again before taking her place in line behind us.
"5 more minutes everybody, 5 more minutes." The director shouted.
"Well, it's almost time." I said.
"I can't believe I'm going to have a sister as beautiful as you." Kenneth said.
"2 sisters." I corrected him.
"Yeah, but ones prettier than the other." He said.
"Oh, I wonder who that is." I said sarcastically.
"You're finally starting to catch on!" He said excited.
"Well, I only had 2 minutes to flirt with you before it would be considered disgusting, so I just went for it." I said.
"Better than nothing." He said.
"Okay, doors are opening!" The director shouted and slowly started to open the doors.
"You ready?" Ken said to me.

"Yeah. Let's do this."

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