I Dare You

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"Ughh, this party sucks!" Y/F/N groaned as the music changed to pre-breakdown Britney.

"Something good!" She set down her drink and started dancing. You joined her, but as soon as Y/C/N and his friends walked by you were frozen. Why would you want to risk his royal hotness seeing your cheesy dance moves and lower your chances with him even further?

He sort-of-smiled at you as he walked past and you just about passed out. But when you were able to gather yourself, you saw the biggest jerk in the world standing right in front of you. He was pretty clearly drunk as he slurred,"Hey, pretty ladies."

He probably couldn't even tell who you were. But he grabbed your and Y/F/N's hands and dragged you with him. Y/C/N followed closely behind, reassuring you that you were not being led to your death.

His sweaty hand released your wrist once you were in a big room full of bean bags you had no idea existed. everybody sat down and claimed bean bags for their own, but there was only one left and Y/C/N was the only other person still standing.

"It's okay, you take it." Aww, what a gentleman. But you couldn't let him sit on the floor.

"No, you shouldn't have to sit on the floor. We can share." He shrugged.

"Alright." You each took a side of the bean bag and you could basically feel the attractive radiating off of him. A game of truth or dare started up, and after a hardcore rap about milk, it was your turn to ask someone.

"Y/C/N," you said, suddenly feeling bold,"truth or dare?" He did that adorable guy thing where he laughed, looked down, then looked back up at you.

"Dare," he said, smiling mischievously.

"Hmm...oh, I know. Ask out somebody in this room right now." You secretly prayed he would ask you but you seriously doubted he would. There were much prettier girls in the room and-"Y/N? Will you be my girlfriend?" A billion thoughts ran through your but the main one was yesyesyesyesyes.

"Well then, Y/C/N," Y/F/N yelled from across the room,"truth or dare?" Your new boyfriend answered with "That's not how this game works...but...dare. Since the last one went so well." You blushed and giggled.

"Well, I dare you to kiss Y/N." You were about to give her a look from across the room but Y/C/N's lips were on yours before you even had the chance.

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