Without thinking a second more, I switched seats slowly, moved her shoes that she put on the seat beside her and sat next to her, she looked at me with tears glazing her eyes. I felt so badly for her.
My hand went between the seat and her back to put my arm around her shoulder and pull part of her on me, my other and went to meet with the hand around her. She slid her head on my chest with ease, I kept her close to my heart. Hoping and praying she would feel better, even though my attempts were feeble. What was a hug going to do anyway? I was hugging her for the most part so I wouldn't have to see her cry, even if I didn't see her tears, I still felt them on my shirt. Saw them slide right down her thick eyelashes and ran down her rosey cheeks slowly, it made her look quite pretty even though Maddy was utterly devastated.

Made me feel terrible, like I was the one causing her heartbreak and distress but I knew I wasn't, it was that stupid boy. She stayed like that on me 'till we left the train and took a bus to my uncles house. We got off the bus and didn't say a word to each other, it was only a ten minute walk from the bus stop to my uncles house. My uncles house was a sinful home and had a fence and gate that had vines that envelopes it all around, it made it look very mysterious yet elegant at the same time.

Maddy followed close behind me as I opened the gate and went to the front door, my uncle kept a spare key inside the garden gnome next to the door, we called him patches. Patches was given to us by my grandfather Reginald, he believed the clay decoration was good luck. I unlocked the door and let Maddy go in first.

She fixed some tea for the both of us and I made a fire. I felt the heat on my hands, it was chillier than London today, made it cozy. I preferred cozy-sit-by-the-fire weather better than stinking hot weather. My back was at a safe distance from the fire, and my back enjoyed the heat plastering my clothing and warming my muscles up.

Maddy came in with two mugs and set them in the coffee table.
"Are you sure we're allowed to be here?" She asked. I simpered and took a sip before answering.
"I'm sure, don't worry. Just relax." Maddy looked as if about 10 lbs lifted from the 100 lbs of stress she still had. Maddy stared deep in the fire and then shuddered.
"Are you cold?" I asked when she looked at me. She nodded coyly. My eyes scanned the room and then I got up to walk down the hall way. The linen closet was huge and had so many handmade blankets my aunt made before my uncle and aunt divorced. My uncle keeps them around because no matter what, he always misses her. My aunt Lucy fell in love with another man and before things became to advanced, they ended it. That didn't change my uncles feelings for Lucy. It's quite depressing because he still leaves the things she's left behind in the same spot like nothing ever happened. It's been 15 years.

Maddy sat close to the fire and I tossed the blanket beside her, she looked beside her and pulled it onto her bare shoulders. She still looked stressed out, even from behind. Her shoulders were square and her head fad down. She sunk her fingers nails into her skin and then made a fist.

I sat in front of her, leaning against the brick wall where the fire place was. Maddy didn't look at me even though I had my eyes glued on her. My arms folded tightly to my chest and my eyes just examined her, analyzing her to figure out what was appropriate to say. Hell, I don't think I could say much more. My foot tapped her to get her attention. Maddy's golden locks swooped up as her head rose.
"Do you want me to do it?" I asked. Her eyes because small because she was confused, I suppose I didn't give her enough to know what I was talking about. "To tell him what the deal is between you two," she nodded her head slowly and then as soon as she realized what she agreed to Maddy began to shake her head.

"I have to do it, thanks for the offer," Maddy signed. She looked out the window behind her then her eyes went back on mine which sent a jolt of electricity and landed on my stomach, it made me shiver, I didn't know why. It made me feel uncomfortable and I wanted it to stop. It wouldn't, the longer I looked at her the more uncomfortable I got but then when I looked away, my eyes glued back on her. She tucked her golden hair behind her ear and her eyes fixed on a part of the knitted blanket. Maddy was all of a sudden fascinating, the way she turned her head was captivating and I had no idea why. Maddy's head turned to look at me and I didn't know what to do, so my head shot past her like I was trying to pretend I wasn't looking at her, I couldn't help it, she was so interesting. Her gaze stuck on me and I suddenly didn't know where to look. She smirked and I could tell she was giggling because of the way she was moving her mouth and the way light and joy came to her face.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Maddy asked and colour came to her cheeks. "Like what?" I asked, playing dumb. She shrugged her shoulders.
"I don't know, like.." She scanned the room frantically with her eyes. "Like that! Why are you looking at me?" I shrugged my shoulders and smirked.

Silence is too loud (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now