Chapter 14

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- Elizabeth -
Will eventually pulls up to In N Out and the four of us get out of the car and walk inside. Sean starts giving the lady his order and then proceeds to ask everyone else what they want. I ask for a double-double, fries, and a chocolate milkshake. After they give us our order number we go to sit at an open table.
"So... When is this whole thing ending?" I ask, trying to suck the chocolate shake from where it's stuck in the straw.
"What do you mean?" Jordan asks, obviously confused. I thought it was clear, but I guess not.
"Like, this convention thing. When do we go home?"
"Oh, in two days. The day after Brayden and Mitch go back to Canada."
"Who else is going tomorrow?"
"Just them. They have to get back to Uni. Pretty sure everyone else is leaving on the same day as us too, except Bee and Mitchell."
I'm a bit upset I didn't get to know everyone else that well, but I guess it's okay. According to Sean, we all do YouTube together. I'm sure I can record with them once I'm back into the grind.
And that too... I feel bad for Sean. I know I didn't have a choice to forget him, but I did... And if he still does like me, then I don't know what to say... I just can't be sure yet. I'll still be living near him, sure, so maybe it can work out.
I'm pulled out of my thoughts when Will sets the tray of food down on the table. I jump a bit which makes the guys laugh, and I chuckle along and then grab my burger and fries.
Jordan and Sean are sitting on the booth side of the table and Will and I are sitting in chairs on the opposite side of the table, our backs exposed.
Just as I take a bite of my burger two girls run over to our table.
"Oh my god, Grapeapplesauce!"
What the heck is a grape applesauce?
"Uh, yeah, that's me. Hi!" Sean says politely. Is that him? Is Sean a grape applesauce?
"And Kiingtong and Bayani!"
Okay, I heard someone refer to Jordan as Bayani, and Will must be Kiingtong then.
"Hello!" Will says to the girls. Jordan just smiles and gives a little nod.
"And Elizabeth is here too! Oh my god, I love your guys' videos so much!"
"Thank you!" Jordan replies. "Do you want a picture?" He finishes, and I just sit there not wanting to interrupt.
"Yes, please!"
Will smiles and the girls take out their phones, and we all lean in to get in the frame as she snaps a picture.
"Thank you so much! You have no idea."
"Of course." I say quietly, watching them walk away to their table.
"Well, that was nice." Sean says, grabbing some fries. I nod in agreement and Jordan starts up a conversation.
"When else have we ever met fans outside of a meetup?"
The guys all talk about this, and I just sit awkwardly eating my fries, listening in on what they're saying as they talk about some of their weirdest fan encounters. Funny stories.
They keep talking and talking and honestly I don't even care, it's fun to hear them talk about things that I don't remember. I feel something touch my hand and assume it's Will, trying to hold my hand between the seats. He's such a cutie. And I let him, and he continues to talk about the time a fan grabbed his hat and ran off with it.
It's about ten minutes later now and we're all finishing our food. Good burgers and fries here. Yum.
"NO WAY." I hear someone yell. It was one of the girls from earlier, and I wonder what they could be talking about.
And then it hits me.
My eyes widen and I pull my hand away from Will's, standing up quickly. The guys stand up too.
"Guys, I think we should go." Will says, knowing what's going on as well. Jordan and Sean don't seem to have a clue, though.
"Um, okay..." Sean says, slowly grabbing his jacket. Jordan reluctantly stands up and follows us out the door, and Will and I rush into the back seat and both open Twitter.
"Do you think they saw?" Will asks me, obviously worried. I'm worried too, but for Sean's sake. It would hurt awful if he found out before we were ready to tell anyone. In all honesty, I don't know if Will and I are dating or almost there or whatever, but still.
"Yeah, I think they did." I say, clicking on a tweet I was mentioned in. I look at it and my heart drops.
omg just saw (at)Kiingtong and (at)Elizabeth_Plays holding hands at in n out
And there's a picture of it attatched.
Luckily Sean and Jordan aren't tagged, but they could still see it eventually.
There they are, just now getting into the car. They don't seem to know... I'm so worried, though. I don't know what to do. Especially since Sean and I are going back in a couple days, and I won't see Will in person, or Jordan, or anyone.
Sean starts driving and we get home after 15 minutes, and we're listening to music and stuff and neither one of them had checked their phone. I don't think.
Once we get back to the house I run down to my room and lock the door. I don't want to see anybody and I don't want to have to deal with anybody, and frankly I don't know why this is such a big deal to me. It just kind of is.
I hear a knock on my door and ignore it. They knock again and I still don't answer.
"Elizabeth?" It's Will's voice. Do I want to talk to him? I guess I don't have a choice because he comes in anyway.
"Close the door." I say to him after he comes in. He does, and he locks it as well, probably because somebody will run in while we're talking or something. Will sits next to me on the bed and I sigh, falling back and looking up at the ceiling. I can feel tears pricking my eyes so I just stay focused on one spot.
"You okay?" Will asks, poking my side. I let out a little cry, apparently I'm ticklish.
"Yeah, I will be." I smile, just glad to have him here. For some reason it makes me feel better. He falls back with me and we both lay and look up at the ceiling. It's like that time at the beach, he just seemed to make everything better.
Ugh... I think that it's too late.
"Can I ask you something?" Will asks.
"Yeah, sure. What's up?"
"Being here, with everyone, especially after this whole amnesia thing... What has it been like?"
I sit up and he does too, then looks at me as I start to explain everything.
"Well, at first it was weird... You know, putting trust into somebody who you've completely forgotten about to take you on a plane and to another state, and then meeting people who were your friends before you forgot... And then being told, 'oh, you did YouTube. And also we're going to a convention where you're gonna meet a bunch of fans that like you for something you've completely forgotten about'. You know? Well, you obviously don't know, but..."
"Well, I'm glad you trusted Sean. He's a good guy, he really is." I look over to Will, and he looks back at me and it's just nice.
"Me too. Because of him, I met Jordan and Bee and everyone, and you... Even if it's only been a couple of days I feel like I've known you forever... And I love it."
And right then and there, he kisses me. On the lips. But gently, and I smile.
"Will..." I say, stopping him and putting my forehead against his.
"Yes?" He asks, a tone of concern in his voice.
"Thank you."


I must have passed out because around 8 AM I wake up to somebody knocking on the door to my room.
"Yeah?" I call out, sitting up. I forgot Will had locked the door last night, and due to him being asleep on the small sofa I don't think he left. The door must still be locked.
"We're taking Mitch and Brayden to the airport, you guys coming?" It's Jordan's voice, and judging by the 'we' he must know that Will's in here.
"Oh, yeah, one second." I change into a new outfit and wake up Will, then brush my hair and walk out to the car. Sean, Jordan, Brayden, and Mitch are already in the car and ready to go. I climb into the very back and moments later Will comes back too, and we start going to the airport.
I don't talk at all, I don't want them to leave. Especially since I hadn't talked to them as much as I've talked to everyone else.
We get there after about thirty minutes and head over to the gate where the rest of the group is waiting, like Bee and Graser and them, which is nice to see them.
We all say our goodbyes and I watch them board the plane.


WOW somewhat long chapter! BTW if you didn't see it, I published my new story! So go read it because I said so.
Next chapter will be the last one of this book, and the sequel will be out soon! :O
-Misty <3

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