Chapter 6

188 7 4

- Elizabeth -

I go and sit down between Will and Jordan. I smile to both of them and cross my legs as Mitch sits down with Brayden.

"What do you guys wanna watch?" Will says. God, that accent is so freaking cute.

Sean shrugs. He seems too busy looking through his phone to care about anything we're doing.

"Cutthroat Kitchen!" Jordan shouts out.

"I'm down, that's a good show." Mitch says. I shrug, I really have no freaking clue what that is, so it doesn't matter to me.

Will turns on the show right as someone uses a mini chainsaw to cut bread. What is this show?


After about 15 minutes the show is off, and it's about 2:30 in the afternoon. The timer goes off and Mitch gets up to get it. I decide to help considering the fact I did make it. As I start to get up I realize that Will and I... Are cuddling? What? I'm snuggled up next to him and his chin is on top of my head. Howwww did this happen? I don't know. Alrighty then. I slowly move my head out from under his chin and get up, he notices but doesn't seem to care. I walk over to the kitchen as Mitch is pulling the pizzas out of the oven. He had put one other in before I had decided to help him make the second one. I pull the second one out of the oven.
"Hey Mitchhhhh." I say, holding a pizza cutter. He turns around and flinches, then takes the pizza cutter from me. He cuts up both pizzas into 12 slices and picks one up. I'm about to when the doorbell rings.
"I'll get it!" Jordan and I say at the same time. He looks over at me and we look at each other for a short moment before racing down to the front door. I push him to the side at the top of the stairs and run down them, jumping at the bottom. He does the same right behind me. Our feet hit the floor with a pound. He bumps me over and gets in front of me and I full on tackle him.
"Hey! Get off of me you crazy woman!" he says laughing.
"Neverrrr!" I say. He runs over to a couch as fast as he can with me on his back and sits down. Jordan is literally sitting on top of me.
"Get up you loser!" I say, playfully slapping his shoulder. He shakes his head and gets up, then I get up.
"Let's just, get it together?" He says. I nod and walk up to him joyfully.
"You're stupid." I say, softly punching him on the shoulder. He turns to me slowly.
"Uh-huh." He says with a smirk. I smile at him and we keep walking to the door.
"You open it." I say.
"No, you. You actually tackled me to open this door." He says quietly, turning to me. I put my hands on my hips.
"I'm not opening this door, mister Jordan Bayani."
"Are we just gonna keep whoever's on the other side of this door waiting?" He says, crossing his arms. I smile slyly and shrug.
"Mayyyybe?" I say, putting my hands down. He quiets down for a second and looks at me with a smirk.

"Smartass." He says quietly while turning back to the door. I scoff and roll my eyes. He opens the door and I notice a sleeve of tattoos on his arm. How did I not notice those earlier? Huh.

Author's Note
I was gonna continue this chapter but I felt it was already on the long side so I cut it off there. Our vote goal for here is 1-2 votes on this chapter for the next one! the reason I did the whole vote goal is because I felt I wasn't writing this story for anyone and yeah. Hope you enjoyed and don't forget to vote!

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