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A/N: This one sucks? Like Idk I'm really sorry for this crap thing but I needed something to come out of my hands. I've been trying to write all day, working on an actual story/book thing-y and nothing will come out. I think I got like ten words... UGH.

You were feeling a bit fuzzy, but your parents had forced you to go to school anyways. "It's just one more day", your mother had announced, "and then it's weekend. Don't be whiny."

And so you had gone, and you weren't loving it. Usually when you didn't feel so good, it would clear up over the day, but now it was just getting worse.

Sighing, you rested your forehead against your locker, hoping that the cold metal would cool you down some, but instead it just warmed that spot of metal up, so it didn't really help. With an annoyed groan you pulled away, turned around – and crashed right into someone.

Well, someone surrounded by a lot of someone's, actually. It was some guy who was apparently important, cause there were guys in suits with sunglasses walking around him. He was just walking passed you and had obviously not expected you to turn around right at that moment, but he steadied you anyway when you crashed into him, holding you by your elbows.

"Uhm..." you stammered, eyes shooting from the guys around him, who were shooting you nasty looks through their sunglasses, back to him, and then back at the guys. "S...sorry?"

"That's alright, love. I was walking awfully close to you", the guy said. He looked like a teenager, no, scratch that, a little older. Wait, was he wearing make-up? Why the hell was a guy wearing make-up? "Are you okay? You look a little..."

"I'm fine, thank you", you said, quickly backing away from him. This ended with you hitting your back against your locker, but you didn't care. "I just... uh... I gotta get to class!"

And you rushed passed him, knocking one of the guys to the side. He did not seem happy.

Once in class, you dropped into your seat and rested your head into your arms, only noticing your best friend (Y/F/N) was squealing to you a minute later.

"Wait", you raised your head, "what now?"

"I said", (Y/F/N) repeated with a sigh, "part of the cast of Heroes Reborn is in our school! they're going to shoot a fighting scene in some of the hallways!"

"Am I supposed to know what 'Heroes Reborn' is?" you wondered, drawing invisible patterns on your table with your finger. You were beginning to get irritated, and a headache was forming. All you really wanted to do was go home and sleep.

"Only the best show ever? I've talked to you about it like a thousand times!" (Y/F/N) said, seemingly offended. "You know, that one actor I really like is in it! Robbie Kay!"

"Hmmm..." That name did ring a bell, mostly because you were pretty sure (Y/F/N) had proudly proclaimed that she would marry a 'Robbie Kay' once. Back then you had assumed he was one of the school's football players she fawned over, but apparently he was an actor.

You really should listen to (Y/F/N) more. Tuning her out all the time was not helping your case.

"...and after he's done shooting scene's he's gonna come into the cafeteria and sign autographs and it'll be totally awesome, so we have to go!"

"What? Yeah, sure!" You gave her an uncertain smile. "Sounds good."

No sleeping for you, then.


When you had agreed to go to this autograph signing... thing-y, you hadn't thought you'd have to wait two hours after school was over, but here you were, sitting in the cafeteria with (Y/F/N) across from you.

Your headache had become a pounding one, your eyes kept watering because they wanted to close so badly and you felt like you were going to be sick, but (Y/F/N) noticed none of it, since she was watching 'Robbie Kay' talk to some girls. You hadn't looked at him yet, uninterested in anything but going home, and were getting annoyed with (Y/F/N).

"Seriously, are you gonna go ask for his autograph or are you going to sit here all day drooling over him?" you finally snapped, resting your forehead in your hands. "I agreed to come with you cause I thought it would be like a quick thing, not a 'let's stay all day' thing."

(Y/F/N) scoffed but stood up anyway, grabbing you by the arm and dragging you along with her as she made her way over to her favourite actor. Finally, you decided to look up at him as you were both standing in front of him... and both your (E/C) eyes and his green ones widened as you recognized each other.

He was the guy you'd bumped into this morning.

(Y/F/N), as always, was oblivious. "Hi, I'm like your biggest fan, could I please please pleeeeaaaaseeee have your autograph?"

'Way to make him want to marry you, (Y/F/N)', you thought, looking away as you put your hands in the pockets of your jackets, which you were wearing because you felt like a block of ice, despite your high body temperature.

Man you'd be glad when you got home.

"Uhm... yeah, sure. What's your name, love?" you heard the guy ask your friend, and looked back up at him to see that he had turned his attention to her.

"(Y/F/N)!" she said excitedly, then, remembering you were there, she announced for some reason: "And this is my best friend (Y/N)! ... she apparently doesn't know Heroes Reborn, even though I've told her about it billions of times..." she shot you a look as she said that.

"I thought it was thousands..." you muttered, then cleared your throat. Great, now you even sounded sick!

"You sound ill, (Y/N)", Robbie Kay said, looking almost worried. "Shouldn't you be home?"

"Someone wanted to wait for two hours", you said. This time you were the one shooting (Y/F/N) a look.

Robbie turned back to her and handed her the paper which he had scribbled something on, then, he turned back to you. "Would you like an autograph too?"

"I actually don't really know y-" you began to say, but he had already scribbled something down and pushed it towards you. You had to hurry to take it from him since your hands had previously been in your pockets.

Arrogant bastard.

"Well... uh.... I'm gonna get (Y/N) home!" (Y/F/N) announced, making you snort.

"Since when do you-"

"Bye!" and she dragged you off.

Once you had both left the school, (Y/F/N) began to fangirl about you both having gotten Robbie Kay's autograph while you stared down at your piece of paper and noticed that it was certainly not what she thought it was.

Instead of an autograph, there was a phone number, followed by a short note: Let's go out sometime when you feel better - Robbie.

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