Chapter 7: "Trouble At Central"

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21/Kryo/2467 R.S. 00:47:58
Centralian Command Center, Centralia.

*Ten minutes before Detonation*

In a white room with large digital panels displaying graphs and statistics, Jade sits on her desk working on decrypting the infamous Data Pad recovered from Caloris. Every hour a Suited Officer comes around and checks in on her to make sure everything is in order. Her concentration is interrupted as she hears footsteps getting closer to the door, it is that time again.
*Toc* *Toc*
"Everything alright in there?"
The man asks behind the door, he stands by and awaits a reply.
Jade sets down the Data Pad and approaches the door, she opens it, sees the man and says: "Tell Dovyo that if he wants me to-" she stops abruptly as her eyes turn to the left and catch a glimpse of Dovyo walking around the corner towards her. Her eyes return to the officer and she continues: "Ahem, nevermind." She smiles at him and turns towards Dovyo.
As he is getting closer he begins to speak. "I see you've met my new Assistant General." He says.
Jade looks back at the man, "He's the new AG?" She says and scoffs unimpressed. Dovyo tilts his eyes at her and stops walking.
Gen. Dovyo: "One of the many, yes."
12: "Wait, I thought there was just one Assistant General, and their handler."
Gen. Dovyo: "Times; they are changing, walk with me."
12: "Yes, sir."
Gen. Dovyo: "Salem, guard this room with your life."

AG Salem nods in affirmation, he stands in front of the door and holds his hands behind his back.
The General and Jade walk together down the bright hallway, Dovyo has his full Gala uniform, showing off his commendations, badges, ribbons and the Grand Star, carried only by Centralia's Greatest Generals. Jade notices this and sparks up a conversation as they walk around the corner, leaving the hallway in which Jade's research room is in.
12: "So, what's the special occasion?"
Gen. Dovyo: "I am glad you asked, you see, your squadmates are quite busy at the moment, in a matter of minutes Vera and Michael will bring me one of the most important diplomats the Republic has to offer, that is the occasion."
12: "Yeah, I heard Mike talk about him, Sagras, something like that."
Gen. Dovyo: "Sagras Nohem, I'd love to see the look in his eyes when I bring up all the atrocities he has committed against the Centralian populace."
12: "The world's populace, for that matter."
Gen. Dovyo: "That is correct, but we delegate for our own, the people of Centralia are and will always be my number one priority."

Jade is of Royal descent, both of her parents were from the Royal Mikan Empire and lived there before they fled through the Silver Sea via one of the many migrant fleets,  eventually arriving in Centralian territory, many times throughout the Royal Empire's history it has been very common for the Royal populace to escape the Imperial way of life for a better future, seeking this in other countries and therefore, other governments, but at the time, the Royal Mikan Empire have boosted their people's morale, making them happy and complacent, Nationalism is at a rise.
This information was revealed to Jade by General Dovyo himself when she asked about her origins. Normally this information will not be disclosed to the Troopers, but Jade was the first one out of all of them to ask. However, upon receiving this knowledge it created a spark of controversy in her moral compass, making her realize that ethnic origins do not necessarily contribute to a person's beliefs or political inclination, nonetheless she remains silent, she does not want to create an unnecessary argument.
They stand in front of a white metal door with a looking glass on the top left side, Dovyo looks inside and swipes his key card, the door slides open revealing the Central Command Center. Large screens cover most of the walls inside the room, technicians sprawling from left to right with Data Pads on their hands, sharing information with one another. This reminds Jade of the Pad sitting on her desk, she looks at the General.

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