Life of a writer

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Yes, writing is a great hobby and passion for many. Please do not allow me to discourage you from doing what you love to do. That is not my intention nor is it the point of this article. I merely want to inform you, whether you are a writer or not, about 6 unfortunate consequences or problems writers eventually confront head on.

With every choice comes multiple disadvantages, drawbacks, difficulties...

On a more positive note:

Advantages Of Being A Writer

Writers don't get holidays. That's right. They write every day. Well, the ones who want it badly enough, do.

They don't have many friends. Hey it is true, writers spend most of their time at home...not outside partying.(I have veryy few)

Completing a writing project takes time. Try writing a novel in 5 minutes or even 5 days. You can't do it.

You don't get paid enough for it. If you are on of those writers that can make a living out of it, congratulations. As for the rest of us...keep your day job and keep on writing(lol many of us are writing for free)

Ahem, the writing industry is a battlefield and you are a lone soldier on it. The competition is out of this world. In most cases, every writer out there wants the same thing you want: publication, royalties, status, etc.

The oh-so-common-mostly-bitter-rejection-slip. Enough said.

Just found dis article on internet ! It reflects my almost everyday situation! This is for all manan ff writers coz I know what dey go through ! Obviously der r some advantages too, but dey are less as in today's busy student life! So I just wanna say one thing the writers as much as you can coz dey are not being paid here,instead der passion made der way here!

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