nandini's truth!!

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Manik pov:

My sound sleep broke when cold breeze touched my skin.the weather is still the same. It's too cool i feel like hugging someone and sleep. But to my utter bad luck there  is no pillow.. Slowly I  opened my eyes....and there  she is burying her face completely in my chest and almost half lying on me.... Not her fault the  bed is too small and  I  scared her badly last night.. Her face is fully covered by her hair..

I removed my hand from her shoulder and made her lie on the bed... I was about to get up but she didn't let me..... She caught hold of my collar tight... I  bent down to release her grip... Her hairs were disturbing her sleep.... I slowly tucked her hairs behind her ear.... That's wen I saw her face soooo closely

Her beautiful eyes, cute nose, pouty lips, chubby cheeks, a bit long hair... She's soo cute... I just want to pull her cheeks once..
Stop it Manik! Have you  gone mad. You are thinking three much!!

I released her grip and went outside. The weather is still the same as last night. I hate this kind of dull and gloomy weather. I want a bright sunny day! I don't know wat my mum might be doing now. I hope she's alright. I don't give a damn about dad!

I came out from my thoughts when I heard her calling me..

Nandini : parth!!

Manik : ha why are you shouting. I'm right here.

Nandini : I'm calling you since 10min

Manik :oh sorry! I was thinking something else! Why you called me.

Nandini : good morning!

Manik : you called me for this morning wishes?

Nandini : haa...

Manik : ok! Gud morning!

Nandini : parth I  need to brush my teeth immediately

Manik : oh!! Is colgate toothpaste nd pepsodent toothbrush ok?

Nandini : hmmmm..... Actually I use pepsodent toothpaste but it's ok.. As you wish..

Manik : just shutup!

Nandini : ok!!

Manik : see we have only 2 water bottles with us. We'll use 1 now for brushing or watever ok?

Nandini : yes sir!!

Manik : good!

Manik : he bought a bottle. In dis bottle half I  will use and the rest you'll  use..

Nandini : yes sir! *She salutes him*

Manik : stop dis drama!! First I'll use. Coz if i give you this bottle then in return I'll get an empty bottle!

Nandini : ok!


Manan are waiting on the road for lift!

Manik was standing and trying to stop the cars that are hardly coming there way.

Manik : shit!! Not a vechile is coming! I'm sure this might be also my father's plan he can do anything!

Nandini was sitting on the empty road and drawing circles on d road

Manik : niti!! Could you please help me rather than drawing those beautiful circles on d road...

Nandini didn't said anything and stood beside him.. Looking down all the time..

Manik thought: what happened to her!! She's so silent how can dis be possible?? A tear rolled down her cheek which she immediately wiped it off... But didn't went unnoticed by manik

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