Chapter 7: Will there ever be hope?

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A month had gone by since the fateful encounter with the only Star Wolf to live. Joshua seemed oddly out of focus and kept going into space. Sonic pondered on what could be the problem, then, his mind trailed to the day they met the female. He remembered how concerned the DarkWolf was for the girl and suddenly thought of something. Could Joshua have fallen in love!? The idea struck Sonic gleefully, he then turned to his lover and smiled,"Shadow, come with me!" He said, taking Shadow's hand and dragging him out of the room while Joshua had spaced out. Shadow looked at the cobalt hedgehog,"What is it? What could you possibly want to tell me to drag me into a priva--" he paused, his dark tan cheeks brightening a light shade of red as his mind filled with dirty thoughts. Sonic slapped his hand on his face,"Shadow... That's not what this is about... We will be able to do it later..." Sonic smirked. Shadow blushed harder then looked to his lover,"Then what is it?" the black hedgehog asked. Sonic looked at Shadow,"Have you noticed that Joshua seems a little bit distracted?" He asked his lover. "Actually, yes I have. But, why are you asking me this?" Shadow said confused, raising an eyebrow. "Think back to the day we met that wolf... She is possibly the thing he is thinking about!" Sonic said cheerfully. Shadow's eyes widened for a moment,"Wait... that makes a lot of sense! Do you think he could have fallen in love??" He asked. "Its possible." Sonic nodded. Shadow smiled and then leaned in and kissed Sonic on the lips, his tongue circling the blue hedgehog's lips, asking for permission to allow his tongue to enter Sonic's mouth. Sonic opened his mouth slightly, granting Shadow's pink muscle to enter his mouth and explore. Twirling they're tongues together, they tasted each other, enjoying the flavors that erupted as the pink muscles fought for dominance. A few minutes of tongue wrestling, they broke for breath,"That was amazing, Sonikku~" Shadow said gently and lovingly. Sonic looked at Shadow's deep crimson red eyes, melting by the love that seemed to make Sonic's body melt and snuggle deep into the ebony's fur. Wrapping his peach colored arms. Gently but, firmly, Sonic snuggled into Shadow's body, nuzzling his peach colored muzzle deep into the white tuft that lay on black hedgehog's chest. A purr rising in his throat, Shadow held Sonic, wrapping his black arms around his lover and resting his dark tan muzzle onto Sonic's cobalt blue fur the lay smooth on his forehead, beginning to purr as well. The hedgehog's cuddled with each other for about two minutes before Knuckles came and broke the two apart. "I hate to ruin your little moment, but your cousin is yelling at a girl that claims to love him." The echidna spoke casually, not amused by the anger that Sonic's cousin possesses. Sonic sighed and broke the comforting hold of his lover and turned to his hot-headed friend,"Alright, alright... I'm coming." He groaned, beginning to move his feet towards the Cafeteria,"Yo! Joshua! Knock it off!" Sonic called out to Joshua, his emerald eyes were not pleased and his expression seemed angry. Joshua turned to face Sonic and growled,"No! I want her to leave me the fuck alone!" He spat out, turning back to the cowering girl. Sonic recognized the girl and sighed. It was Joshua's biggest fan and admirer, Vicky Rachael the Arctic Fox. Sonic stepped in between the two,"Vicky, enough of this! Joshua is getting pretty tired of your stalking acts and assumed love for him." The cobalt spoke sternly, glaring into the light grey fox's deep violet eyes. "B-But.. I love him..." Vicky began to argue, earning a glare from Sonic,"Don't start, Vicky this as been going on since the Fifth Grade, this needs to stop." Sonic said, motioning Vicky to leave. The fox girl stood and growled at Sonic,"I'll be back, Joshua... Will be mine." Vicky spat before turning to leave, her leaf-green dress swaying slightly as she walked away, her tail twitching. Joshua turned to his cousin,"Thanks Sonic." He smiled, his ears perked towards the blue hedgehog. Sonic nodded,"No problem." Sonic smiled and gave a thumbs up.

~Joshua's POV~

School soon ended, but I still feel anxious about that wolf. Who is she? Where did she come from? Why did the doctor not want to treat her? Then something clicked in my mind. She was a Star Wolf! That's why the doctors were talking about  G.U.N about shutting them down. I've heard rumors stating how the Star Wolves were supposed to be dead. How they were evil and only wish to seek destruction. Somehow, I doubt that. The wolf seemed very tired and hurt, she was starving and even looked ready to die! I must obtain more information, I must know why she is considered evil and why she was hurt. I walked to the library to see if they had any books about Star Wolves and see if any records of the heritage of Star Wolves was there. I went to the records section where the records of all people who have lived near Station Square had been recorded. I looked through the S's and the St's but sadly to my dismay, no records showed of a single Star Wolf being in the books. Not even information files were there! Growling, I left the library and proceeded home where Tails had been watching my daughter, Isabell Snowy the Hedgehog. She was an orphan on the streets until I found her and took her home. I've been raising her since then, I've put her in Elementary School in the Second Grade where she can make friends and learn happily, while I went to school myself. Opening the door to my house, I smile to see Tails reading a story about Little Red Riding Hood to Isabell while she looked half asleep on the couch, her head on a pink pillow and a light blue blanket with white clouds on it. I walked over and finished the book just as Tails finished a sentence, surprising the two-tailed fox nearly out of his wits. I chuckle and told Tails he can leave. Tails nodded and left out the door quietly while Isabell was sleeping. I kiss her forehead and went upstairs and placed her teddy bear in her arms. Soon, I then crawled into bed to go to sleep, thinking about the girl that I helped to the hospital a month ago.

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