Chapter 5: Amy's Jealousy and Rouge's Revenge (Too Lazy to really write)

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A few hours after Sonic and Shadow left their home, Sonic had decided to race Shadow before going to Tails house to hang out. Both male hedgehogs were racing and laughing and trying to trip the other. Emerald eyes saw the hill where a large labatory sat, knowing a orange fox would be there. Skidding to a halt, the two hedgehogs stopped in front of the door and Sonic knocked. Tails opened the door and smiled,"Well, look at you both. You must've had some fun last night if your ditching school." Tails joked, making the cobalt hedgehog blush,"S-shut up Tails!" He stuttered. Tails only laughed and let them come inside, his twin tails closing the door behind him,"So what brings you two here?" Tails asked. Shadow smirked,"Sonikku just wanted to come visit you. Is that a crime?" He chuckled and kissed Sonic's cheek, playing with his lover's tail; which was wagging rapidly. Sonic giggled and then sat on the couch, looking bored,"Wanna just go out for a picnic? I honestly wanna go for some action." He grunts. "Alright, at least let me get my cat's food." Tail laughed, going to the food bowl. "Where is little Mitzy anyway?" The blue blue asked, looking around before seeing a tiny light grey kitten with blue eyes and paw toes look up at Sonic."Mew." Was all the kitten said. Sonic picked Mitzy up and cuddled her.

5 days later, Sonic and Shadow returned to school, hand in hand. Everyone was taking picture but the only two who HATED this was none other then, Amy and Rouge,"Wanna go pound them?" Amy asked the white bat. "I've wanted to hurt Shadow after breaking my heart last year." Rouge nodded.

After awhile Amy and Rouge got into serious trouble with the school and Sonic and Shadow were unharmed.


Dementedstar: Im SOOOOO Sorry everyone, short chapter!!!

Sonic: Heeey!! Star! Continue this damn story!!!

Dementedstar: Sonic shut up! Or do I need to get your cousin in here to shut ya up =3=

Sonic: Uhhh... No need to get, Brokenheart, thank you very much .3. *runs off*

Shadow: Quit being so harsh, Star Wolf.

Dementedstar: *shows fangs through crooked jaw* Quit calling me, Star Wolf, I may be one but I don't want to be reminded that Im the ONLY Star Wolf left alive alright?!

Brokenheart(Joshua;aka my mate): Star are those two bothering you?

Dementedstar: *presses against Brokenheart* Nah, they are being annoying, I'll be fine my love.

Brokenheart: Alright, I love you~ *kisses Dementedstar*

Dementedstar: I love you too~ *kisses Brokenheart back*

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