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The whole day I couldn't help but think about that man, the way just a slight touch sent such shiver down my spine.
How could this be? Why was I feeling like this? He was nothing but an annoying thief that felt like the Forrest.
The Queen and a Thief I laughed to myself. That would never happen.
My phone rang "Mayor Mills"
"Hey Regina, we might have to cancel this evening Mary Margeret will have Neal. He isn't feeling well and I'm not feeling that great either, I think this baby is making me sick."
"Really Swan, this was your idea,  you talked me into it and now your canceling" I said sounding annoyed and irritated.
"I know Regina but I think you should go still have fun. I'll take Henry, Me and Killian will" Emma said trying to make it better.
"It's fine I'll probally stay in. I doesn't bother me" I said trying to think of why I could do.
"Well we could all come over and watch a movie and....... "
"No I will be fine, ill figure out something "
"Okay but Regina"
"Bye Swan"

I hung up the phone and leaned back on my chair. What am I gonna do I thought to myself. What am I gonna do.

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