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"Milady" I heard a voice call from behind me.
I turned and seen ugh the guy from Grannys he was following me. I couldn't prove it but he was.
Yes... I said forgetting his name
"Robin, Robin Hood remember we met at......."
"Yes, what do you want"
I forgot to give you this
He stepped closer to me I felt the warmth of his body closer to mine. Before I could say anything he pulled me into a kiss. My breath catching. His lips were soft yet firm. It felt amazing. It was..
Beep Beep Beep Beep my alarm clock went off. Making me wake up. My breathing was heavy and why was I dreaming about this guy. He was a thief from the forrest. He wasn't anyone important. He wasn't.... He doesnt matter I have work. I pushed the covers off and made it back nicely. I went to the bathroom and took a shower, trying to forget my dream.

After I showered I fixed my hair and put on some makeup not alot just enough to cover up my sleepy face. I pulled on my black dress it comes down to right above my knee. It hugs my curves not alot but just enough. I pull on my black heels to pull it together. Then I grab my coffee and head for the office.

It was a light day today no one had seemed to be burning the town down. That was a good sign. I was finishing the report for the new playground Emma and Henry wanted to build. There was a knock on the door.
"Come in" I looked up and Snow came in
"What are you doing here Snow"
"I was coming to see if you were still going out. I feel bad for aski mg you to go out and then...."
"Mary Margert it's fine I'm gonna go out to eat then have a easy night"
I told her this in hopes she would stop talking about it, she would just keep going on.
Snow shock her head and said she
"That sounds like fun"
"It sure it will be" I tried to sound excited
"Well if you want company I can come over with emma and them and we will watch a movie together"
"Here I brought you some lunch" Snow said handing me the food
"Thank You" I said taking it
"Well I'll let you get back to it" Snow said leaving my office.

After Snow left my day continued as normal. The normal calls for the meeting or the ones about the noise complaints. The ones from Emma just being Emma and the couple from Henry. It was around 5 when I looked at the clock.
I'll go home and change, have some coffee then go out. Or stay in i haven't decided.

What am I going to do, Go out and do nothing or stay in a have everyone over I thought as I sipped on my coffee in my kitchen.
I guess I could stay in we can watch a movie, if Emma comes over we will probally all watch Peter Pan. The worse movie you could watch with the man the movie is suppose to be about.
The Pirate will say the whole time "They got it wrong, he was the bloody culprit behind everything"
Emma will try to tell him that they didn't know the real story blah blah blah. I don't want to go through that.
Emma called to make sure i was still going out. I told her i was going to eat out. I'll go out, get some food. I'm not telling her that I won't stay out. She will make a big deal. How I never go out. They worry about me.

I pulled on a shirt not too fancy and some jeans. Slipped on my comfortable flat shoes grabed my bag. I stopped in the mirror before leaving. My hair was pulled up into a messy bun and my makeup was still on for this morning. Guess I'll go to grannys for some food.

Here goes nothing I thought as I closed the door behind me.

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