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I woke up to the sun shinning into my room through the window. I could smell pancakes and bacon. It smelt so good. I closed my eyes one last time but then something hit me.
Who was cooking in my house? I jumped up real fast grabbed my robe and headed down stairs. I came around the corner and no one was there. Pancakes, eggs, bacon and orange juice were sitting on the table.
Who the hell was in my house, I asked my myself.
Just then someone grabbed my shoulder and yelled suprise.
I screamed and turned and found Henry, there with a smile.
"Henry, you scarred me. How long have you been here." I said giving him a hug.
"Not too long, just thought I would make you breakfast." He answered with a big smile.
"Well lets go eat before it gets cold" I wrapped my arm around his shoulder and we went to to eat breakfast.

Me and Henry had the whole day together. I had a few things to finish at he office. Henry said he would meet me here and we would go for ice cream.
I grabbed my coat and walked out the front door. I decided I would walk. It was a perfect day to walk, the weather was just perfect for a spring day.
I was walking when I accidently bumped into someone little.
I bent down and asked:
"Are you okay little man I'm sorry I didn't see you"
"Yes ma'am, I'm fine" the little boy said, giving the cutest smile ever. "
What's your name" he asked.
"I'm Regina, what's your name little guy" I asked.
Right as he went to answer I heard a voice yell:
"Roland, Roland, where are you" the deep husky voice said.
"Right here Papa, over here" the little boy yelled.
The man came running over and grabbed the little boy.
"You can't run off like that Roland, do you hear me, you have to stay with me"
"I was with Regina, she was nice Papa" he said smiling back and forth between me and his father.
"Well thank you for looking after him" the man said giving me his hand to shake.
I shook it and said:
"No problem Mister" I asked looking at him.
"Robin, its Robin Hood" he said smiling.
I remember you from grannys
I knew you looked fimilair he said giving me a smile.
"Well" I took my hand back "I must be going" I went to walk off.
"Mi-lady you forgot something"
I turned and found the man holding my purse.
"How did you get that" I said grabbing it.
"You dropped it but a simple thank you would suffice" he said with a smile and handing my bag to me.
"Thank you" I said but couldn't help but smile at him.
I went off to the office but I could shake one thing my mind kept going to the man and his little boy. What was his name I thought:
Randy Nope that's not it.
Raymond no not that one.
Roland that was it, he was adorable I thought and so cute but then my mind wondered back to Robin.
His chisled features perfect eyes the perfect smile.
What am I doing i asked my myself.
I don't need this I need to focus. So I went back to working but couldn't help smile every now and then thinking of the two.

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