"Granny, I still want spaghetti!" I yelled after her. I've been cravin' spaghetti for a minute. If I have to eat fish because of Ty, I'm kickin' his ass out. Real rap!

"Just eat fish and get over it."

"Don't make me kick you out already." He laughed.

"Aight, cuh." His laugh died down. "Where you want me to put my shoes boxes?"

"Uuhh. Shit, ion know." I looked around my room. "Just stack up next to my shoe shelf, I guess."

"Is it coo if I put my parents' picture up?"

"Ohh nah, go head. You could put it next to my Mom's picture." I looked my dressed where my Mom's pictures sit. Man, I miss her. I thought back to the times she would pick me up from school and bring me to my Granny's. I wonder what life would be life if we hadn't gone to the bank that day. Everything happens for a reason, but damn. Did I have to lose my Mom? I still don't understand why it had to be her. Why did my Mom have to have to be killed? What was the reason for that?

"Good lookin'." Ty said snappin' me out of my daydream.

"Man, I don't know how you survived in that group home.." I said as I began organizin' his shoe boxes.

"Shit." He started puttin' his clothes away. "You don't count the minute to leave. Just be thankful you have a place to lay your head."

I feel what my nigga is sayin', but that was still the worst fuckin' group home ever. Mainly because I loss both of my parents. I didn't wanna be in a house full of kids just like me. We were all mad at the world for something. I'm super grateful for my Granny for gettin' me outta there. No one will ever understand how much I love and appreciate her. I can't express that enough.

"Yeah...It could be way worse..You turned out pretty coo, considerin'.."


"But enough of this sentimental stuff, though." I said playfully but seriously. I didn't want to keep thinkin' about my mom and get sad.

"Aye! I'm just sayin'." I finished helpin' him organize his stuff. It didn't take more than fifteen minutes. Fish and rice doesn't take that long to cook, so that was our motivation to move quickly.

"Come on, y'all." Granny yelled from the kitchen. Me and Ty walked out the room into the kitchen. I went straight for the stove where the fish was.

"Ahh! Ahh!" Granny popped my hand. "You know better, Pooh Bear. Go wash your hands."

I was about to suck my teeth, but I quickly remembered when I did that before. She popped me right in the mouth and bust my lip. Nah, not again. I went to over to the sink and washed my hands. Ty did, too.

"Ty, you know I have some rules for you." Granny said.

"Uhh ohh." I said puttin' the rice on my plate.

"Hush, chile." Granny shook her head. "Now, Ty. No drugs, no sex in this house. No illegally activity at all. You hear me?"

"Yes Granny, but Shawn-"

"Nuh uhhh! Don't bring my name into this!"

"That goes for the both of you." Granny looked at me.

"Why you lookin' at me like that?" I asked playfully.

"Because I know what you and Bey are doin' when I'm not home." She eyed me and I laughed.

"We just be studyin'."

"Well, you better study some condoms, boy." Ty laughed hard at that. It wasn't even that funny.

"Granny, I'm serious."

Runaway Love[Completed]Where stories live. Discover now