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 Luke loved the cold air that would nip at his skin as his feet glided on the ice, about to push into the flying camel spin he had been able to do perfectly since he was twelve. He spun on the ball of his foot as he stayed in one place to execute his spin. It was one of his four days off he got in a month and he decided to go to the local ice rink about twenty minutes from his boarding school to practice the techniques he had learned that past week.

His pale skin seemed to reflect the dim lighting that shone down on him and he appeared to be glowing. Luke effortlessly checked out of his spin and continued to let his feet take him to all corners of the ice. The ice rink was his home and he didn't love anything more than figure skating.

Luke started crossing his legs, one over the other, as he started to get ready to take off on his jump and do a triple axel. It was his least favorite jump but he knew if he didn't have it perfect by the time the Olympics came around, he'd be screwed. It was always one of the requirements needed and he had lost points for not landing one before in past competitions.

Once he set up the jump, he stuck his toe pick into the ice and leaped into the air. Luke automatically knew he wasn't going to land it. He wasn't able to bring his arms in fast enough and his left leg became unhooked from the right. He was going down to the cold frozen floor below. He fell with a thud and he immediately regretted taking off his sweatshirt earlier as he was just left in his light pink shirt and leggings as a protectant to the hard floor. Luke grumbled as he picked himself up and worked on the difficult move again.

Michael grumbled as he pushed his way into the familiar ice rink he'd go to every Thursday, it was the Tuesday after last Thursday now and he was extremely upset that he hadn't been able to go practice on the day he always did so now he'd have to work twice as hard. His skin was hit by the icy air that was an immediate contrast to the hot, dry air of July.

Michael walked past the ticket counter and said hi to the worker that he could never remember the name of but saw every week and made his way to the locker rooms to change and put on his skates. He stripped off his muscle tee and slipped on a long-sleeve, compression shirt and then quickly put on his practice jersey on top of that.

He soon pulled on his hockey pants and his thick, knee high socks before lacing up his skates and putting everything into his locker. He looked around the room to see if he could see any other bags belonging to other skaters and all he could see was a pair of white converse and a backpack. There was someone else at the rink.

He didn't like skating with others at the rink. It made it impossible to practice.

Michael grumbled as he grabbed a puck and his hockey stick from his bag and made his way out of the locker room. He was mad that he didn't have the rink to himself but as soon as he saw who was skating, he didn't mind. The tall, blonde boy looked like an angel as the ceiling lights seemed to only shine on him as he skated backwards on the ice.

Michael immediately liked the twink that he saw moving gracefully on the ice.

He heard the sound of the metal smoothly gliding on the ice as he saw the tall blonde reach his toe pick back into the ice and jump off of it, landing the jump not a few seconds after. Michael didn't know what jump the figure skater was doing but he knew he did it well.

Luke hadn't noticed that somebody else had entered into the ice rink and continued going through his program.

Double salchow, spiral, Ina Bauer, cross over, cross over, cross over, cross over, sit spin, check out of spin, cross over, cross over, cross over, triple axel.

The routine just came naturally to Luke, well until the triple axel at least. Luke was nervous going into the jump and if you're even slightly hesitant doing a jump, you're basically going to fail. Luke gained speed, propping his toe pick into the ice, he jumped into the air and as soon as the jump had started, it had ended; with Luke on the ground. It had been the third time he had fallen in half an hour and he hoped his bad luck streak would end.

His arms hadn't been in the right position, his toe pick got stuck in a chink in the ice, he didn't have enough speed; the jump was just a mess to begin with.

Michael panicked as he saw that the boy hadn't moved since he fell on the ground and quickly threw his stuff onto a bench and skated his way onto the ice to the grumbling boy.

"Oh my god, are you okay? Do you need water? An ambulance? Babe, please answer," Michael said, rushing his words out as he collapsed onto the ice next to the big, not caring that the cold ice was freezing his legs. He started fanning the boy and tried to elevate him but stopped when a hand clamped onto his wrist.

"I'm fine, I'm fine. Gosh, can't I just rest here?" Luke asked, his voice coming out a bit harsher than intended. His eyes were still closed since he didn't want to be met with the bright lights yet and his was hurt from the collision. He didn't mean to sound mean, but it's just that he literally had the wind knocked out of him and someone asking him a million questions at once wasn't helping. He just wanted to rest a bit and regain his composure before getting back up but that was obviously not happening now.

Michael frowned as the blonde boy let go of his wrist and sat up by himself, Michael wanted to help him but he felt unneeded. Michael looked at the ground in embarrassment and he felt hurt from the blonde boy's harsh tone.

"Sorry, it's just that it look like you fell badly and I didn't want you to be hurt," Michael said, still slightly frowning at the boy sitting on the ice next to him.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you. I'm just kind of upset I didn't land the jump," Luke said. Luke hesitantly reached forward and lifted the boy's face so that they had eye contact.

He didn't want the boy to be upset just because he was in a bad mood from not being able to land his triple axel.

Michael let out a quiet gasp as his eyes met bright, crystal blue eyes that he hadn't been able to see up close. Michael thought they were the prettiest pair of eyes he had ever seen. Michael smiled at Luke and Luke smiled back.

"S'okay, I just hadn't seen you get up and I was scared you had seriously gotten hurt," Michael explained and Luke nodded in agreement to what he had said, a small smile forming on his lips.

"Do you still want water or do you need a bandaid or maybe like my phone number? I can supply all of those things," Michael said smirking, and instantly he was back to his cheeky self.

Luke rolled his eyes at the black haired boy in front of him but said yes to getting water and told him his water bottle was the pink one by the bench. Michael quickly got up and scrambled off the ice to where Luke had told him his water bottle was.

It only took a few seconds before Michael was back to sitting on the ice next to Luke.

"Anyways, what's your name cutie? Unless you want me to keep calling you cutie for the rest of our lives," Michael said winking again and Luke, once again, rolled his eyes at Michael.

"I'm Luke Hemmings, future Olympic figure skater. You?" He asked.

"Michael Clifford, future NHL player," Michael responded and Luke smiled at the charming boy. Luke thought Michael was really cute but he also thought he was desperate and would only mess with Luke's feelings.

"So how about that phone number?" Michael asked, Luke should've known Michael would still ask and he should've known Michael would've gotten his phone when he went off the ice. Michael held out his phone and Luke saw that Michael already had a contact name in for him that was completely sexual. "Twink 💘".

Luke hesitantly grabbed the phone out if Michael's hands and typed in his number quickly before handing it back.

"It might take me awhile to respond, saying I go to school from 8 to 1 every weekday, well except for the summer, and then I train from 3 to 7 every day as well. Well, except for in the summer when I train from 9 to 6. I always have Sundays off but then I get four random days off as well during the month," Luke explained and the black haired boy nodded his head, understanding because he had a busy training schedule as well during the school year and now it was off season but he still had practices with the team four days a week.

"Anyways, I better get going. I've already been at the rink four hours and I still feel dazed from falling. I also kind of want to nap. Text me, Michael," Luke said smiling and getting off the ice.

Michael called out a confident, "bye cutie!" as Luke skated off the ice and maybe Michael stared at Luke's ass as he skated off the rink because wow, leggings really worked wonders on the twinks legs and they didn't leave much to the imagination.

As soon as Luke left the rink, Michael realized he had a problem; he still had to practice but he had a b.oner from staring at Luke's ass. It was going to be a long three hour practice.     


I love ice skating and figure skating and hockey so hence why I got the idea for this book


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