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"Michael! Please!"

"It's 3 a.m. Luke."

"Baby Clemmings is hungry."

"I don't think Baby Clemmings is hungry. I think you're hungry."

"Same thing."

"It is not."

"Is to."

"Is not."

"Can't you feel it growling?" Luke asked. He grabbed Michael's hand and placed it on his protruding stomach. It wasn't that big at all but Luke thought it was.

Michael sighed, rubbing his hand over his face as he listened to the blonde he had somehow managed to knock up. He really did care for Luke but not when he woke him up at three a.m.

"That's just you pushing your stomach in and out," Michael said softly. He looked over at Luke finally and Luke's eyes were watering up. He was about to cry. The mood swings were killing Michael.

"You don't like me anymore," Luke whined. He burst into tears and Michael was secretly plotting to just duck tape the boy's mouth shut. He didn't appreciate being woken up.

"That is definitely not the case. You know I like you a lot, baby," Michael said. He pulled the impregnated boy closer to him and pressed multiple kisses to his cheeks.

"If you truly liked me then you'd go and buy cotton candy and pepperoni for Baby Clemmings," Luke said stubbornly. Michael sighed for the umpteenth time in the past ten minutes and slowly got out of bed.

He was exhausted but he knew Luke wouldn't shut up if he didn't. He also knew Luke would complain about it for a few days if he didn't.

Michael crawled out of the bed and grabbed a pair of sweatpants off the floor, not checking to see if they were dirty or anything. He wanted to get in and out of the store quickly. He grabbed his favorite All Time Low sweatshirt off his desk chair and slipped it on.

"I'll be back in half an hour. Text me if you need anything."

"What about salt and vinegar chips?" Luke called out.

"Fine, I'm going to have negative forty bucks by the end of this pregnancy," Michael said.

"I thought you loved Baby Clemmings," Luke said, a pout was on his face again and he was going to start crying soon. Michael was definitely trying to stop that from happening.

"I definitely do love Baby Clemmings. Just sit around or lay around until I get back. Bye Luke. Bye Baby Clemmings," Michael said. He pressed a kiss to Luke's cheek again, which made Luke pout again, and kissed his lips after.


Michael came back about forty minutes later and found Luke pacing their living room, crying. Michael set the groceries and his keys down quickly before running over to Luke and embracing him.

Cracked Ice || Muke || mpreg ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora