Chapter 15: Tick Tock

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Katniss' POV
I fall back onto the sand unable to control my laughter, Finnick is unable to control his either. Every time we stop, Finnick and I see Peeta's attempt to keep a stern face, we crack up again. I don't think I will ever fully trust Finnick Odair, but he might not be so bad. After we calm ourselves down, we receive a parachute, containing a fresh bread, from district four.

Finnick cleans some shellfish to go with the bread and we eat the "meal" in silence, cherishing the food, as for all we know, could be our last.

Currently there are thirteen of us alive, eleven dead. Most of the remaining tributes are in the jungle. For a while, I find myself staring at it, now, I think we should stick to the beach, the jungle is just a large trap, in search for it's prey.

In the distance, someone screams, and part of the jungle across from us starts to move, vibrate is the better word for it, a wave comes down from the top of a hill, coming our way, it crashes before it reaches us and we're fine. A canon sounds and the hovercraft appears to take the body, to be prepped and sent back to their district in which they came from.

After the water dissipates into the sand we settle down again, until we see three figures down the beach appear from the jungle. The figures are red, and in bad shape, two dragging another with them. I grab my bow and put an arrow in place, ready to shoot, before I can let it fly, Finnick yells out, "Johanna!", then sets off for the trio down the beach. Peeta and I follow, but not exactly with the same enthusiasm as Finnick had.

When we near the group, I can make out Beetee and his glasses, and obviously with him, Wiress.
"It's Wiress and Beetee" I say.
"Nuts and Volts?" Peeta says puzzled, "I've got to hear how that happened".
Of all allies Johanna could've had, I'd have thought these would be her last choices, besides myself.

Johanna has already started conversation with Finnick.
"We thought it was rain, turned out to be blood, we were blinded by it, then Blight walked into a forcefield", Blight, her district partner, I hadn't really noticed him during training or during the interviews, but I did remember him from the old tapes of the games we watched. Johanna doesn't seem too bothered by her partner's death, because when Finnick says "I'm sorry, Johanna", she  just brushes it off with: "Yeah, well, he wasn't much, but he was from home".
Beetee is only just conscious, I give Johanna a question look,
"He got a knife in the back at the Cornucopia, and her..." She trails off, we all look to Wiress, who's walking in circles, still coated in blood repeatedly murmuring, "Tick, tock.
"Yeah, we know, Tick, tock. Nuts is in shock," says Johanna.
Wiress walks in our direction after hearing her nickname, getting particularly close to Johanna, whom reacts by shoving her on the sand.
"Lay off her," I snap.
"Lay off her?" Johanna hisses, stepping forward, she slaps me hard, Peeta steps in front of me, grabbing hold of my waist, keeping me steady, for which I'm grateful.
"Don't. Touch. Her," he growls, with an aggression I've only seen twice.
"It's not my fault you got her pregnant and made her all hormonal, I got them two out for her!", Johanna retorts.
"Just walk away Johanna," Peeta breathes.
"Don't- hey!" Finnick picks her up before she can say anymore, carrying her into the ocean and dunking her in the water while she screams.
"Thank you," is all I say to Peeta as I walk into the water to help Wiress.

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