Chapter 13: Fog

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Peeta's POV:
I recognise that zap, from the rooftop last year before the games. The zap of a forcefield. I hear Katniss screaming my name and feel something on my face, I realise I'm not breathing. I breathe in and see Katniss' face over mine.
"Careful, there's a forcefield" I say weakly.
She laughs, kiss me a quick kiss and helps me stand on my feet. I have failed, I can't even protect myself, how can I protect Katniss and the baby?
We wander through the jungle until the sun starts to set, "We should sleep with our backs protected, I'll take first watch". States Finnick.
"Not a chance". Katniss retorts.
Finnick explains that if he'd wanted either of us dead, he would've killed us by now, I would offer to take watch, but I'm so tired from nearly dying, it's hard work.
I close my eyes and somehow, I drift off.
I wake up to the capital anthem, and look up to see who was killed today, no one that could have much of an impact on whether we die or not, Woof from district 8 and Seeder from 11 are the only ones we talked to. In total there is eight dead, leaving sixteen alive, Katniss, Finnick, Mags, Beetee, Wiress, Johanna, Blight, Brutus, Enobaria, Cashmere, Gloss, myself and the others, I don't know.
I drift off again and wake to Katniss yelling.
"Run! The fog is poison!"
A gray fog is making its way towards us, not stopping or fading.
I get up, grab my weapon and run. Katniss is behind myself, Finnick and Mags not long after her.
We run through the jungle, but then Finnick falls, yelling out in pain, he quickly recovers and keeps running. But when Katniss falls is worse, first, she's pregnant, second, the fog is tight behind us. I run back to help her and use what I can of my body to shield her, the fog reaches us and the chemicals form some type of pustules on my neck and on one side of my face. I help Katniss up and we keep running, we get quite far until I fall, my muscles collapsing. I struggle to breath and gesture for Katniss to move on, she doesn't take the hint and Finnick catches us to us.
"I can't carry him" Katniss states.
I see Mags kiss Finnick, a friendly kiss, also, a goodbye kiss, and walks right into the fog. The canon goes off and her life is over. Finnick screams, but Katniss urges him on. I put my arms around both of their shoulders, and put most of my weight on Finnick's side, we get about a hundred metres before we fall down a hill and the world goes black.
Maybe I'm dead, if I am, I hope that Katniss and the baby live, that I have at least helped them live.

Our Love Was Always Real - A Katniss and Peeta FanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang