Chapter 12: The games begin

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Peeta's POV:
My plate rises through the tube, when it stops moving, I get a good look at the arena. There is twelve quadrants, with two tributes in each one, I'm next to Enobaria. I can't see Katniss, she must be on the other side. From the end of the quadrants to the cornucopia is where water resides, perfect, not. I never learned how to swim. If I can get to the end of the quadrant I can use the rocky pathway. 20 seconds until the games begin. C'mon Peeta you can do this, I think to myself.
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
The gong sounds and I dive into the water, or try to at least. Before I can get to the end of the quadrant I am dragged under water by a tribute, not one I recognise. I resurface and before the tribute can drag me down again, I throw a punch. I get him in the face but he's still got a grip on me. I throw another punch and see Katniss in the corner of my eye. She's fine, thank god. Finnick and Mags are with her, allies I guess. Before I know it I'm dragged under water. I wrestle the tribute under water and manage to kick him, a cannon goes off and the tribute is limp, dead. I kicked him in the neck. I start to suffocate and rise above water. Finnick swims towards me, I try to swim back myself but can't, so I reluctantly let him help me,
"We're your allies now, if you want that girl to live you better let us help".
Why would he want to help, shouldn't he be thinking of a way to kill us? He's just covering up his intention, we can stick with him for now, but we will have to break away eventually.
Once I'm out of the water and standing I give Katniss a peck on the lips and say,
"We've got allies".
"Yes, just as Haymitch intended". She replies.
"Did we make deals with anyone else?"
"Only Mags".
Finnick walks up to us and says,
"I can't leave Mags behind".
We head towards the Jungle, myself in the lead.

After walking through the jungle for about half an hour,I go to slash away some vines and hear Katniss yell, "Peeta no!"
Too late, I slash my knife through the vines and the world goes black.

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