"Sebastian is the name my master gave me...so that is who I am...for now," said Sebastian.

"Ah you're playing the faithful dog. Well you're handsome enough to get away with it. Anyway here we are, Sebastian...No, I'll call you Bassy," smirked Grell, flipping his really long hair over his shoulder. I gasped and cover my mouth lowering myself on the roof to avoid getting seen. So Sebastian isn't really...Sebastian?

"Let me introduce myself...I am Grell Sutcliff, let's get along," I heard Grell say.

"Ahhh, it's so nice to talk to you in my true form," he continued. "I admit, I was surprised when I first met you, being a demon playing a butler." I froze. Sebastian...is a...demon? No that can't be. He looks human, and from what I've read...but his eyes...his eyes are red...a red I've never seen before on someone's eyes...And the way they glow sometimes...

"I never thought I'd find one of your kind here either. A grim reaper. Why would a divine being like you play a servant?" asked Sebastian. Okay, I don't know how much I can take with these...beings. Then again, I'm not completely human myself...I slightly rose back up to see what was happening.

"Why indeed," he grinned and looked up. I clenched my teeth when his gaze met mine.

"We seem to have an audience...don't we Miss (y/n)?" winked Grell. My fists clenched as Sebastian turned his head to look at me. His expressionless gaze turned soft and I felt butterflies in my stomach.

I cleared my throat and jumped off the building, my cloak flying behind me. I landed on the concrete floor, my feet slightly tingling with pain, since I'm used to jumping off buildings all the time back home...or getting whacked by a titan. I ignored Sebastian's gaze and looked into Grell's eyes, his pupils were dark green and his irises were a light green.

"You know...your precious commander Erwin is desperately looking for you..." grinned Grell. I growled and glared at him.

"What do you know about him?" I snapped.

"Well he did take you in after that...accident," he winked. I clenched my teeth and made a move to pounce on him but Sebastian held me back by my arms.

"You see...I did some reasearch on you...and found something quite interesting" he smiled. I growled and lurched towards him but Sebastian wrapped his arms around me keeping me in place, and I ignored the fast beating of my heart.

"(y/n) calm down, you could get hurt. He's stronger than you, and I don't want you getting major injurues. So please-"

"SHUT UP!! You don't know me!! You don't know who I am!! You don't know what I am," I shouted struggling against his grip.

"(y/n) please," he whispered against my ear. I stiffened and whirled around in his arms. I brought my fist back and punched his face. He released me and I stood next to Ciel.

"Answer the question Grell. Why did you do it?" asked Ciel, slightly irritated.

"I did it for love, for a certain woman," he...she?...responded.

"That woman would be?" asked Sebastian.

"You don't have to ask...do you?" asked a familiar voice from the inside of the building. I looked up and saw Madam Red walking out.

"Madam..." said Ciel.

"I didn't think anyone would be able to tell who Grell was," she said.

"You were on the suspect list from the beginning," responded Ciel.

"You actually suspected your own aunt?" she asked.

"None of the humans on the list could have been responsible, but if one of them had an inhuman accomplice, that would change the game completely. It had to be someone who could enter and leave the room unnoticed...in the end you two were the ones who could be Jack the Ripper," smirked Ciel.

We're Both Monsters (Sebastian Michaelis x Titan!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now