"That sounds perfect" I smiled. "I'll check it out after school once the theater meeting is over with"

It's perfect.

Tutoring others and helping them out and being able to read as many things as I want? Definitely my kind of thing.


-After school-

Hmm. Where is this classroom?

I walked into two different buildings but still couldn't find it, the meeting starts in 10 minutes!

I didn't even have Ken's number...

I sighed.

If I can't find it in this building I'm going to head over to the library. I started on the first floors, this building had 3 so I had to be quick and just peek into each class to see if I spotted Ken...

I peeked through the little window each door had as quickly as I could.

I saw a Home Ec type thing going on but I'm sure this was an actual class. I had the chance to pick it as an elective.

I ran up the stairs and tried the second floor but I assumed this all had to do with music or dance, all the doors had musical notes and there was a huge room filled with supplies and musical instrumentation.

Guess the third floor is my last hope, I checked my watch. Oh man...less than 5 minutes!

Man...I knew I should've asked for directions. This is awful! Being lost and not knowing where to go...

I sighed.

Just then I heard talking, maybe this is it. This is the classroom where we're suppose to meet, I'm more than sure Ken must be in there.

I walked up to the classroom, the door was opened too so it made me confident that this as where it was was supposed to be.

I stepped inside and saw 4 boys, there was no sign of Ken. They seemed to be helping out their friend and hadn't noticed me, I didn't want to disturb them.

My eyes wandered around the room and in the back corner I saw 2 more boys.

My eyes widened.

It's him...

The guy Hayangi seemed to like so much...

He had his headphones on and his eyes were closed but I noticed that his friend was looking at me.


I gulped.

He smiled slyly and for some reason he seemed familiar. I couldn't put my finger on it but I've definitely met him before...it was a feeling in my gut. Even though I didn't remember who he was my mind processed him as someone I knew before my memory was erased.

"Luna! There you are"


I turned around and saw Ken.

"The meeting's over here" he smiled.

I took one last glance, the guy waved at me and I slightly smiled back.

I made my way towards Ken.

"Did you get lost?" He asked.

"Yeah but I managed, although if you don't mind I'd like to have your number so if this ever happens again I can just call you right away" I said.

He chuckled. "Sure thing"

We walked into the classroom and Ken introduced me to everyone, Hakyeon showed up a little later and the meeting commenced.

I couldn't believe I never noticed it before.

That guy...Since when does he go here and his friend, why does he seem so familiar to me? What if there's something he failed to mention to me back then? Was he trying to spare my feelings since I told him I lost my memory?


"Oh no...have we met before? I'm sorry if I don't remember you, see Halabeoji and I got into a car accident and I lost my memory. To be honest seeing you didn't even strike a chord...but I do apologize" I said.

"It's not important. We never knew each other so don't worry I guess you looked familiar is all. I probably mistook you for...someone else" he said.

-End Of Flashback-

I didn't really notice it then but now that I think about it...maybe we did know each other. What if his friend was someone of importance to me? But yet again he didn't really talk to me he just smiled and waved at me...

He was acting like he knew me, he certainly looked like he knew who I was.

I thought hard and tried to remember but nothing came to mind.

I don't know exactly what's going on but...I know something is definitely up.

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