New Semester, New Problems

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We haven't talked to Luna since the incident.

I've never been so ashamed of myself as I was that particular day.

Delilah hasn't been the same since that party, Blaze is still herself but it really hit Delilah hard. She almost died trying to get us out but it doesn't seem like Blaze cares at all. She's still herself but then again, she's more arrogant than usual. She doesn't really talk to Delilah either.

I looked through my closet for an outfit, it's the beginning of a new semester.

I hummed a song while I looked and picked my clothing.

It may be fall but it isn't that cold yet, I'll take a sweater just in case but I doubt I'll need it

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It may be fall but it isn't that cold yet, I'll take a sweater just in case but I doubt I'll need it.

Now...what to do with my hair?



Already have my outfit for the first day of school ~

Already have my outfit for the first day of school ~

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Gonna be looking fly today~

I smiled to myself and went to grab my hair dryer.

As I began drying my hair I couldn't help but wonder if Delilah would go to school. She hasn't been herself lately, Cleo probably feels like she's a murderer but that's what we are. We hunt to survive...

No one's seen Luna around, wonder what's up with that? Not that I give a rat's ass but usually Delilah and Cleo were always all over her.

I guess her scent took on a whole new toll at the party.

Not even I could contain myself from the scent, it was disgusting.

Although, I have to say I was pretty damn close to finishing her off but of course goody two shoes Delilah had to butt in.

She got hurt...but at that point no one was under control.

When the ghoul investigators came she literally slaughtered all of the ones who stood in her way. I thought she was going to die...

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