Into the World of Stormcloud

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I didn't want anyone to be near her. She wasn't gone, I know she wasn't! I can smell the blood of her heart, though she may not have the breath in her, she's alive.

I first felt her go cold, I didn't know what to do. Tigerlilly tried to calm me down best she could, but I wouldn't listen to reason then. It took all the Vikings to keep me at bay while Tigerlilly's and Glisten's riders tried to figure out what to do.

Spike's rider was standing back in the shadows. He smelled of fear and sadness, but I didn't care. My beloved rider was in danger.

I had to let Tigerlilly carry her on her back as we went back to Return To Island. Once there, everyone tried to crowd around her and I instinctively wrapped my tail around her still body. Even when those who raised her came along, I was reluctant to give her up.

Time moved slowly for me and my rider was taken to the Wound Healing place and put into one of the nests there. I followed her every step and when she was resting, the Bandage Giver said she couldn't do anything to help her. That's when they tried to take her away, but I wouldn't allow it. I snapped and clawed at those who came in with the Death Box.

"She's still alive!" I wanted to tell them, but all the Vikings heard were roars and grunts.

After going to the extreme and acually firing a shot at a few of them as a warning, they left me alone. Of course, I let the boys come by.

I liked their scent. Even Scythe's, Glisten's rider. They smell fresh and warm, and I like them. The first time they came Tigerlilly's rider, Comet, brought the green scale that was under my rider's skin. I could smell it in her and it bared a strange scent.

I took it from him and held it in my claws. Each day I sniffed at it, but I could not place what I smelled. For my rider, I wasn't giving up.

Each time the Bandage Giver changed the wrappings on my rider, I gave the cut a quick lick. Only I and another dragon can do this, as far as I know. The dragon that raised me told me that I was special. Not many have the healing lubricant like me, but it's possible. Many dragons have strange talents, but all have that one in common.

I didn't know if that was the only thing keeping her alive and well, but I couldn't take the chance that it was and stop. For now, this was all I could do.

One day, the three boys came back in. They did this every time the yellow circle rises from the plains. Today was a day that I didn't expect. One of them pointed out that something was off. My eyes were closed, due to the fact that I was exhausted from watching over my rider all the time so I could not see.

From what I could understand, they noticed that her skin is still golden and she is still bright. They noticed that she wasn't dead. I lifted the protective coverings over my ears to listen closer, and see if I heard right.

I did. I did hear hear right! They think she's not dead, they understand. They've placed their hands over her heart and felt it beating, and finally understand! I was so happy that my tail began to twitch with glee, then Comet asked me for the scale that had woken her up when something like this happened before.

I nearly didn't trust him with it, but eventually I handed it over to him.

He scanned it over until fear ran through his body.

What's a curse?

It seemed bad by the way they acted, and then suddenly they ran away.

"Hey, wait!" I roared and ran after them.
At the door I didn't understand much besides 'don't touch, Freya. Might save her.'
As I followed them outside I heard the roar of a dragon.

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