Part 9

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Gajeel x Levy, Natsu x Lucy, Gray x Juvia & Erza x Jellal
Disclaimer: I do not own the Fairy Tail story line or any of the characters in it. Fairy Tail belongs to Hiro Mashima.

"Why did you stop?" He asked quietly.
"Why did you stop with the nicknames?" Gray repeated, staring down at the marble floor.
"Juvia. . . Doesn't understand. Have I done something wrong?" Her eyes filled with concern. "Gray?"
"You stopped calling me Gray-sama." He muttered and then looked away from her, embarrassed. "And my beloved, or my love. You're not as clingy anymore, and I don't understand why. Do you like Lyon now or somethin'? Because I can sure as hell tell you-"
  Juvia stopped him, pressing her fingers to his lips. "Is Gray-sama jealous of Lyon?"
"I ain't jealous, alright. I just don't think he's any good for you." He paused, glancing over at his dance partner. "Well, he might treat you better than I might, that's for sure. He'll treat you like a princess. But that's just it, the thought of him treating you like anything makes me feel all funky inside. I don't want him around you, really I don't want anyo-"
   Juvia cut him off again by pressing her lips against his. When she pulled away she was so dizzy she thought she might pass out, but instead she cupped one of her hands on his face and said, "I don't want Lyon to treat me like a princess. I've never wanted that, all I've ever wanted since the first day we met is you, my love." She looked into his eyes, "Just you."
"So, you haven't given up on me?"
Juvia shook her head. "Never. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't. It's just not possible."
Gray smiled at her, actually smiled, and pulled her into a warm embrace. When they pulled apart, they resumed dancing and Juvia rested her head against his chest.
"Does Gray. . ." Juvia corrected herself. "Does Gray-sama, like my dress?"
"Yes, you look very beautiful," He assured her.
Juvia's dress was also blue, though a few shades paler than Lucy's a lot more formal. The sleeves on the dress were elegant and long, as was the neckpiece. Most of the dress was a pale blue, except for the sides which were royal blue ruffles. The stitching on the sides tied into a large bow in the back. She looked like a princess, or someone of high class. It was a dress similar to something Lucy's father would've made her wear.
  Gray also looked quite dashing, like an icy prince compared to Natsu and Gajeel's suits.
My beloved holds me in his firm arms for real, at last, She thought. Our lovers bond can never be broken.
"Gray, Juvia." Erza's stern voice snapped them back to reality. "Something's happened."
Pantherlily the exceed was doing an aerial overview of the banquet hall when he spotted Gajeel leaning behind a pillar at the far end of the ballroom. He thought it was off that he had left Levy under the circumstances and decided to fly over and see what was wrong with him. "Gajeel?" Lily asked cautiously.
  Gajeel lifted his hands from his face. "Lily?"
"Why are you over here?" Lily crossed his arms over his chest. "Where's Levy?"
"I left her on the dance floor," Gajeel grumbled. "Told her I was getting drinks."
"Gajeel," the flying cat looked at his friend disapprovingly. "I think it's about time you told Levy how you felt."
  The dragon slayer shook his head. "I can't."
"You obviously have feelings for her, why not tell her? Everyone knows she feels the same way."
"It's not that, Lily." He sighed, "I don't deserve her."
"That's up for her to decide." Lily pointed to the bluenette standing alone on the dance floor. "She's waiting for you, but she won't be forever."
"Chocolate, miss?" A dapper man in a suit offered.
"No thank you, I'm not all that hungry," Levy said politely.
"Are you sure? It's simply divine," he lowered the tray down towards her. "It's not a party without chocolate." He flashed his perfect teeth.
"Well," Levy's hand hovered over the tray. "Maybe just one."
She picked up one of the chocolate covered strawberries, nibbling off a little. "Mm, this is really good."
  She took another bite before slipping into unconsciousness.
  Carla watched as the man caught the swooning Levy in his arms. "You're magic will make a lovely piece, my dear," His silky smooth voice said into her ear. Then, with a flash, they disappeared.
  Carla's eyes widened in horror. She zipped back to where the guild masters were mingling, hoping to catch Erza or Wendy and fill them in on what she had just seen. She was certain that the guy who had just taken Levy was the same one that had flirted with Lucy not twenty minutes before. "Erza! Something terrible has happened!"
  Erza weaved through the ballroom, trying desperately to find Gajeel. Juvia and Gray following close behind her. Erza hoped that what Carla had seen was a premonition and that Levy hadn't actually been taken. "Gajeel!" She called out to the dragon slayer who had just stepped out from behind one of the columns.
"What's up with you three?" He asked gruffly. "Somethin' the matter?"
"Have you seen Levy?" Juvia asked worriedly.
"Shrimp?" Gajeel replied. "Yeah, I left her on the dance floor to get us some drinks. Why?"
Gray clenched his teeth. "Levy's been kidnapped you idiot! Why would you leave her alone?"
"There was a man," Erza explained quickly. "In a suit. He went after Lucy first, before Natsu got involved. He acted as a waiter and fed Levy a sleeping draught, or so we think, and then disappeared. We can't find her anywhere."
"WELL DID YOU TELL THE REST OF THE TEAM TO START LOOKIN' FOR HER?" Gajeel bellowed, suddenly furious.
"Gajeel, calm down," Lily said cautiously. "We need to remain calm and level headed under these circumstances, otherwise the Carver's victory is guaranteed."
"Level headed? Level headed? Someone took Levy and you're telling me to be LEVEL HEADED?" Gajeel snapped at his cat.
  Erza held her hand up to silence him. "No, you're right. That should've been the first thing I did. Lily, find Happy and tell the others of Levy's disappearance?"
"Of course," Lily flew off.
"We should all split up and try to find Levy," Erza decided. "Juvia, you stay with Gray and survey the ballroom, in casethe Carver comes back. I'll check the kitchen and storage units, Gajeel, can you look for hidden rooms or the basement?"
  His fists clenched Gajeel muttered a faint "yeah" under his breath.
"Good, then let's split," Gray gave Erza a quick nod before grabbing Juvia's hand and disappearing into the crowd.
"Levy. . ." Gajeel said quietly.
"We'll find her," Erza assured him before running towards the kitchen entrance.

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