"Well how's about we teach him a lil lesson this mornin?" Ms Jay said with a laugh and a wink towards Lina. "Let me guess, he beat you to the bathroom again and took his sweet time didn't he?"

"Uh huh" said Lina taking her seat giggling and looking out the window to watch the  "show". 

Jay took off pretending not to see him and Abel chased the bus while Lina laughed for a whole block and a half before Jay finally let him on. It felt good to get some payback.

"I'm sorry Abel. We didn't see you" Jay said holding back a laugh.

"S'Okay Ms. Jay. Lord knows I need the exercise." stated Abel, a bit ticked, but jockingly pointing towards his belly protruding past his belt. At least he knew he was overweight and alright with joking about it... had to give the boy props for that!

"Did the chilly morning air wake you up too, Chubbs?" said Lina between chuckles.

"You know I hate the cold Sis. The only reason you like it is because you're crazy and because your birthday's this month followed by Christmas!" he replied while taking the seat behind her and ruffling her hair as he sat down. "Not many of us are as lucky as you in the month of December; we actually spend more than we earn this month!"

Lina stuck her tongue out at her little brother, then opened her book to read. It was always a long ride before they arrived to school.

- - -

The ride to school was the usual heinous banter and crazy kids' antics. Once Lina arrived at school however, things started getting... weird. She hung out with her friends as usual until the bell rang and they each went their separate ways. Seeing how Tucson High was such a large school and classes were separated by block schedule, neither of the 5 friends had class together on Mondays or Wednesdays. 

Lina had to go all the way around to the front of the school campus. Her first class of the day was English and was located in the Main building on the third floor. The whole way Lina felt like she was being watched or followed; whenever she turned around she saw no one in particular headed her way so she ignored the feeling until she got to the third floor and the halls were nearly empty of kids.

As she turned the corner and at the end of that hall she turned again and that's when she spotted him. Lina knew a lot of people at Tucson High, she had gone to school with quite a few of them since middle school and she was good at making friends easily. She wasn't what you would call popular, but she did pride herself in knowing most of the faces after only less than two years attending.

This guy though, she was almost positive was new... and he looked older. Suddenly Lina felt nervous. How could he have such an effect on her without even knowing her or acknowledging her?!

All day long, whenever she was in the halls she'd spot the new mysterious guy behind or ahead of her, blocking her way, looking in her general direction. If she were a paranoid person, she'd swear he was following her. 

It wasn't just the hallways. She spotted him at lunch too! What are the odds that a new guy would have first lunch?! Most new kids were set into the second hour of lunch! Brushing the odd coincidences aside Lina was determined to have a good, normal, Monday. Besides, she had practice everyday after school so she figured her run-ins with the new serious looking stranger were over for the day. WRONG AGAIN!

After practice she headed to the parking lot at the back of the school near 6th street like always to wait for her dad to pick her up; once there, around the corner, at the end of the block was that guy again! 

Curse that damn stalker!!! Lina thought. WHY IS HE EVERYWHERE I GO?!  she had never really resented anyone, she was a very hard person to anger or annoy but this guy's presence was really starting to bug her. She didnt exactly know why, but he got to her.

I'll Follow You Anywhereजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें