Part 7: Dinner Disaster

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*Gabriel's POV* just got back from LA?" Kaylee asked.

"Yeah, it's was great down there, but it's good to chill with family once in a while" I replied.

She scooted closer to me on the couch, her ombré curls bouncing up and down.

"So?" She nudged me, "Tell me what it's like? Small town Florida boy thinking of officially moving out to LA to follow his dreams."

I shrugged.

"I mean no offense, but it sounds super cliche."

"It is not!" I replied.

"Oh really how?" Kaylee asked.

"Ok well for one thing-"

"Dinner's ready!" My mom yelled from the kitchen.

"Ah saved by the bell." Kaylee said.

We got up and walked over to the kitchen table to sit down for dinner.

As soon as we served our plates, my mom began to talk.

"So Gabriel, how is life down in LA? Meet any cute girls down there?"

Dinner conversation is the worse.

I cleared my throat. "Ugh yeah you know, LA is great and rent seems affordable. Living down there isn't so bad. And to answer your question about the cute girls..." I glanced at Kaylee, who seemed to be picking at her pasta with a fork.

"None of them compare to Florida girls..I mean they're ok; I'm not saying they're ugly, girls aren't ugly..they just don't have what the girls in Florida have?"

I began to feel lost in my own thoughts.

"Am I being rude? I didn't mean know, uhh, Brooklyn lives down it doesn't get too lonely seeing that she is my best friend and all."



"That's great sweetie!" My mom finally said. "So since you got a little taste of what it's like to live down in LA, do you think you'll live down there permanently?"

"Umm" I glanced at Kaylee, this time she looked back. I looked away.

"You know, I'm still thinking about it..I mean Brooklyn is so occupied with Lindsey and her boy troubles so I haven't actually had time to discuss that idea with her..I mean I haven't even told her that I decided to not even go to college at all so.." My eyes wandered off to the wall.

Kaylee spoke up. "Yeah so how is it going with Lindsey and Bryan??"

I could hear the sarcasm in her voice. Like c'mon, she doesn't really care..

"Umm you know what I don't really get into that too much, you know, I leave drama like that for the girls but last I heard, Bryan's ticking Lindsey off so" I replied.

"Oh wow ok great." Kaylee replied.

I sighed, just wanting this dinner to be over already.

After a couple minutes of awkward silence..(except for a split second when my brother decided to fart at the dinner table), dinner was over.

I rinsed my dish and walked straight up to my room, plopping down onto my bed.

I heard my door open and looked up, seeing Kaylee plop down next to me.

"Sooo." She started, "are you and Brooklyn like..a thing or?"

I sat straight up. "What? No no no no we're just best friends you know?" I replied.

"Well ok, it just seems like you talk about her a lot."

"Well yeah...we're best friends..I mean we talk about anything. You and I are not best friends we're..." I trailed off, not really knowing what to say.

"We're what?" Kaylee replied.

"I-I mean." I stuttered.

"What are we Gabriel?" She asked, looking at me with her big blue-green eyes.

"What do you want us to be?" I asked.

"Well, I was hoping more than best friends.." She smiled at me.

Oh shoot. SHE LIKES ME BACK FRICK YEAH. Ok calm down.

"I was hoping that too." I said.

Kaylee began to lean forward, and I, not ever having kissed someone before, closed my eyes and waited for her to get closer to me.

Her soft pink lips touched mine, and we ended up in an electrifying kiss.

She pulled back and smiled. I did the same.

"So are we like...a thing now?" I asked.

She chuckled. "Sure, if that's how you want to put it.

And with that, we talked all night, figuring out how exactly to tell people that we were now, a thing.

Yo he and Kaylee kissed...I wonder how Brooklyn will react.. Updates coming soon! -Cass

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