Dress Shopping and The Festival

Start from the beginning

"Amelia, what's taking you so long in there?" My dad asks.

"Just having a little trouble getting it off that's all." The curtain opens behind me. I see Kat walking in with a annoyed expression on her face through the mirrors.

"What's wrong?" I ask Kat.

"Let's just say, Annie and Cameron." She makes a disgusted face. I make one along with her. Them two are such a mushy couple it's disgusting.

"Ugh! I just want to get out of this hideous dress. Oh and I have some news I want to tell you and the girls."

"What is it?" I raise my eyebrows and smile.

"You'll see." Kat rolls her eyes and laughs. By now the dress is off and were walking out of the store. I told my dad and Gina that I'm going shopping.

"Let's stop and get something to eat." Camille suggests.

"Sure, I'm up for some food." Ari agrees. We slowly make our way to the closest two tables and push them together.

On my right is Kat and on her right is Annie. On my left is Ari and on her left is Camille.

"I have some news for you guys."

"What is it?" Annie asks.

"Well you all know how I like all black right?" They nod. "I'm changing that today. Gina took all of my black clothes out of my closet. So now I have about three hundred dollars with me to buy all new clothes for everyday and the festival tonight. I'm not gonna wear all black anymore, I want to change that."

"Holy mother of pearl! Who are you?"

"Ari is right. Who are you and what have you done to our Lia?" Kat agrees. Great.

"Hey, I'm still me. I just want to change my style."

"Is everything okay with you and Austin?" Camille asks.

"What? Yes, everything is fine. Why would you ask that?"

"I don't know. Maybe because you are willing to change who you are." Annie sneers. She is really getting on my nerves but I'll let it pass. For now.

"Look, I know it's a drastic change in me but it is my decision. And besides, I was getting tired of all black and dark colors."

"She's right. It is her decision."

"See, thank you Camille." She just smiles.

"Ugh, fine we'll let it pass." Kat groans.

"But," oh no "we girls get to pick out your outfit for the festival tonight."

"Seriously Ariana?"

"Yes 'seriously' Amelia"

"Okay. Stop using full names. Its weird since we have been calling each other by our nicknames for as long as we've known each other."

"Fine." We both say in unison.

"Let's go pick out an outfit." Kat suggests.

The Stepbrother / Cameron DallasWhere stories live. Discover now