Dating Young (For Middle School)

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This advice is for those in middle school. Many teenagers and tweens date at an early age. Most of my classmates have dated, while I remain single and I am only thirteen years old.

Anyway, here is my advice on dating. These are all of my opinions, so you might disagree with them.

1) Being single is okay! You don't need a boyfriend or girlfriend to make you happy. You have your friends and family, even hobbies to make you happy. Isn't that enough?

2) You are only 13, 12, or 11 years old. You have a long time ahead of you to date. Dating takes a lot of responsibility and time. Do you really think you are ready, at that age?

3) Just because your friends date people, doesn't mean you have to. Be your own person and follow your own path. I'm not dating anyone and I am totally fine with that. I prefer having guys as my friends and I am definitely not ready for a relationship. I'm practically still a kid!

4) Dating leads to marriage. Are you really looking for your future spouse in middle school? If so, that's a bit crazy. Marriage is like 10-20 years away from your middle school years.

5) Most relationships in middle school are silly and not serious. Like, how are you going to hang out? Who is going to drive you places? Your parents might, but they're probably busy. See? You can't go anywhere with you boyfriend/girlfriend. Just wait for high school and college. You have a long time ahead of you. Be patient, young grasshopper.

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