Feeling Good About Yourself

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Have you ever felt self-conscious? I sure have.
Do you always put yourself down? For example, I'm ugly and nobody will ever like me.

Well, don't put yourself down. Feel good about yourself.

Looks aren't everything and plus, you are unique and you should never change for anyone.

You don't have to be the skinniest girl for a boy to like you. You don't have to be popular or have curly hair. You just need to be yourself and happy for who you are.

If no one likes you for being yourself, then that person is not worth it. Clearly, that person doesn't know you and is missing out on someone great and special.

Now, I have three special words for you, that you deserve to hear. You are beautiful (handsome if you're a boy).

Being beautiful inside, matters most.

Author's Note: Sorry, if I seem like ranting. Anyway, please comment below on this topic and your opinions. Also, if you need any advice, please message me and I would love to help.

sourpatchkidmaddie <3

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