“The exit is just north of us. We were told that by the guard that let us in,” Nolan explained.

Sera nodded her head, “ok that helps a lot. We better get moving then. It would be best to separate into two groups: one being the main and the other one having only two or three people in it. From the size of our group and the ranges everyone have. One group should consist of two and head for the gate to the northwest.” she went on.

“Gates to the northwest?” Sothe stepped in, “Why there?”

“I see what you’re getting at…” Leonardo spoke up suddenly. Everyone turned to the blonde haired archer. “Because all the soldiers will think that everyone is attacking from the east, they’ll head there. While that happens, the other two can sneak in from behind and flank them and then the soldiers would be boxed in.” he finished explaining what Sera started. “Is that what you were getting at?” he asked turning towards her.

Sera nodded her head thankful she didn’t have to explain everything.

“Hmm… you would think doing it the other way around would work,” Nolan spoke after thinking for a second. “You know having the group with two lead the unarmed people.”

“But they would catch on instantly. They know we have unarmed people and that they would need protection. They’re going to be targeting them.” Sera broke in, “With that being the case, it would be best to have them take the main route. I’ll let you decide on who should go where,” she concluded.

Nolan nodded thinking, “What do you think?” he asked looking at the others.

“I think it’ll work.” Edward announced. Leonardo nodded his head in agreement while Sothe just made a face turning towards Micaiah. “What do you think Micaiah?”

Micaiah didn’t say anything for a couple seconds. She just stood there with her eyes closed. Then she lifted her head and nodded. “It will work. Sera, you and Edward will head towards the gate then, while the rest of us will head straight.” she decided.

Sera blinked not expecting to be picked to head that way, “are you sure, you should send me?” she asked. She was honestly hoping to be with the larger group, as this was her first time actually fighting.

Micaiah just nodded her head, “Yes, I am confident that you and Edward will be fine,” she smiled.

Sera just bit her lip, wanting to protest. She felt Edward appear next to her.

“Alright, we got this, right Sera?” he grinned. Sera found it strange that he was able have such high spirits even in this situation

“Let’s just get this over with…” Sera sighed, “We’re wasting time.”

“Remember, don’t do anything until we’ve attacked. That goes to you, Edward. Follow what Sera says.” Nolan reminded looking directly at the Myrmidon.

“Don’t worry I will.” Edward grumbled, rolling his eyes.

The sounds of soldiers filled the grounds.

“They’re close. We have to hurry. We’ve already wasted to much time.” Sothe stated.

“Right, let’s move out.” Nolan ordered. The others nodded and started running ahead. Sera watched as everyone gathered by a group of tree. Micaiah and Ilyana, both casted their spells at the two soldiers close by before having Nolan and Sothe jump out and finish them. It was obvious they would be fine. Sera honestly preferred being with them, as someone would then cover her. How was she supposed to do this? She had never killed before. At least with that group there were some experienced fighters that could cover her and fix her mistakes. She watched as Sothe ducked out of the way and quickly got behind the axe-man and stabbed his knife into his back.

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