
Sera woke up to a rumbling noise. She groaned as she turned onto her back and stared up at the ceiling, annoyed.

“The one night I actually manage to get some sleep…” she mumbled running her fingers through her wavy blonde hair. She took a couple strands and brought them to her face. It was such a dull color now. She remembered how many compliments she used to get for it and how it would look like it was glowing in the sunlight. Now it was such a dull color. Sera wasn’t even sure if it could be considered gold anymore.

That’s when Sera felt a stinging pain. Sera looked down at her bandaged covered arm. She needed to change the bandages. That was the main reason she was on the streets yesterday. Her arm was in dire need of new bandages along with more herbs. However, her run in with the bandits and the Dawn Brigade made it impossible for her to get any.

She then heard the rumbling sounds again, followed by the thundering hooves from horses passing. Sera’s eyes narrowed as she sat up. In the process she groaned, rubbing her arm.

Soldiers? It was rare to see troops patrolling by in this part of town.

Something must have been up… she thought getting up. She looked around at the place where she stayed, a run-down shop. That was where she stayed. No one else stayed there, except for a few homeless people, but they were in different areas. Sera made sure that no one else was around her

Many times she had been accused of being part of the Dawn Brigade though Sera never understood why. It wasn’t like she was ever seen with them. In fact, she never met them before.

More soldiers passed by.

Something’s up… She thought hearing the last of them go by. It made her wonder what had happened. Sera glanced up at the broken window and tried to think. That’s when she remembered the two she met yesterday?

Was it them? Did they get caught?

Sera walked over and glanced out of the window, but instantly ducked when she saw a group coming towards her shop. They stopped in front of the window.


“Find anything?” one of them asked.

“No nothing…” they obviously sounded disappointed.

“Hmm…” the soldier from earlier said thinking, “They have to be here somewhere…” Of course they would be talking about the Dawn Brigade… Sera rolled her eyes.

“Yeah but where?” The second one asked irritated. This one sounded desperate.

“What about the shops?” A new voice stepped in. He slammed his fist against the wall of the shop Sera was in. Sera flinched, but kept quiet.

“What if they're hiding here? Remember the last place we found the Silver-haired Maiden,” one suddenly asked. Sera could hear the hope rising in his voice as he spoke.

“They probably are…” There was a pause as the soldier thought.

“Gather the soldiers, we’ll head down the allies and check the run down shops.” He decided.

“Yes sir!” the soldiers replied heading off.

Sera waited a couple minutes before getting up. She peaked out the dirty window to make sure they were gone and then headed back to gather her things, which wasn’t much. It was just her cloak and tome along with a small pouch of vulnerary that was given to her by the woman the day before.

The soldiers were now searching the shops, which meant she needed to get out of there. Staying there was too risky.


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