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Henry was shocked when Daniel told him who he was.
"You're... Daniel?" Henry said.
"Yes." Replied Daniel.
"Wow, I never thought I would meet you!" Henry exclaimed.  Daniel laughed
"I never thought-" he was interrupted by Cora bursting through the door.
"Henry. Are you ready to go back and see your mom again?" She asked.
"I was ready since the moment I got here." He chuckled.
"Alright then, let's go." Cora replied.
"Wait, how are you planning on getting back to Storybrooke?" Henry asked. Daniel and Henry exchanged nervous glances. 
"Don't worry. I have my ways." Cora replied. 
"Just trust me I will get you home to your mom don't worry." Cora reassured him.  Henry thought for a moment and he realized that she was the only way he could see Regina again.
"Ok." He replied. "So where do we go first?"
Cora took his hand and warped them to a dark place. Henry turned and saw the front a massive castle made of black bricks.
"W-where's this?!" Henry shouted. Cora just smirked.
"We're meeting with Hades." She said. "And with you by my side, I can convince him to let us free."
She took something out of her pocket. A potion.
"What's that?" Henry said.
"Oh," she said with a smile. "Just a little something to sedate him. Because you can't kill him."
"Um," Henry hesitated. "Sedate him?"
"Yes." She said softly. "He won't let me into his palace, but with you, the Dead Author by my side, he'll surely let me in."
Henry gave her a strange look. "Alright..."
Suddenly the massive doors opened slightly. A small skeleton peaked out of the door.
"Did ya want somethin'?" It said. It saw Cora. "Not you again..."
"Humph." Cora said. "I have someone important with me that Hades would surely like to see."
The skeleton looked them over carefully.
"Hmm," It hummed. "I'll talk to 'im."
While they were waiting for the skeleton's response, Cora explained the plan to him.
"You're going ask if we can have dinner with Hades. Since you're the Dead Author, he can't say no."
"Are you sure he won't say no?"
"Absolutely positive." Cora said, smiling. The skeleton appeared at the door again.
"Come in." It said. They followed him inside. They went down several dark, twisted hallways, until they reached a large door that led to the throne room. The throne room was a large, dome-shaped, cavelike room. The only light came from two blue candles on each side of the throne. There Hades, the God of the underworld, sat, looking bored with his chin resting in his hand. He sat up when he saw Cora and Henry.
"So you're the Dead Author, huh?" He said. "Thought you'd be a little... Older."
"Yeah, I guess." Henry answered. Cora interrupted their conversation.
"I hate to interrupt," Cora said "but we have some more important business to discuss."
Hades raised an eyebrow.
"I was just wondering if you want to have dinner with the Dead Author." Henry said, relieving some of the tension.
"Dinner with the Dead Author?" Hades said. "Why not. Tonight we'll have a feast. Don't be late."
Cora bowed and pulled Henry after her. "Thank you, Lord of the Underworld."
"That's me." Hades said and sighed. That night, they all sat sound a large table. A large fire that reached up to the 50-foot ceiling raged behind Hades, who was at the head of the table.
"So, Hades. You're the God of the Underworld, right?" Henry said. Hades turned his head towards Henry. While Hades looked away, Cora poured her potion into Hades's cup.
"Indeed. Though it's not as exciting as it seems."
Hades took a sip out of his cup. "This isn't wine, is it?"
He slammed his fist on the table. "Oh, you didn't just do that. You... Didn't..."
Henry got up out of his chair. Hades fell out of his chair.
"Mark my words, Author," Hades said, his voice booming. "When you come back to the underworld, and oh, you will, it will much worse than this. It will be hell!"
His eyes closed and he stopped tensing.
"Come along, Henry." Cora said, lifting up her skirt and walking towards the door. They walked down several hallways and stopped at a black, thorny door. Cora used her magic to break the door, and they headed inside. It was dark and foggy. The only thing they could see was a small pool of water, and a dark grey boat.
"Lady's first." Henry said.
"I see your mother taught you manners." Cora said as she stepped onto the boat. They headed into the dark abyss. Soon, they neared the Storybrooke's shore.
"I'm home!" Henry exclaimed. Henry jumped out of the boat, not even waiting for Cora, who was trailing behind him. Henry ran to the town line as fast as he could. When then they reached the line Henry said,
"I'll call Robin and ask him to bring Roland out here so we can get through."
Cora looked confused and asked,
"Why can't we just walk through ourselves?"
Henry then explain how Regina had put a curse on the line and you can't get through without the special scroll or holding the hand of a child.  Henry took his phone out of his pocket and dialled Robin's number.
"Hello," Robin answered.
"Hi. Robin its Henry."
"Henry!" Robin exclaimed. "I thought you were dead!"
"I was but I..." Henry didn't know how to explain what happened.
"Anyways," Henry replied "I'm at the town line and I can't get through unless I hold Roland's hand. Can you bring him here?" Henry asked.
"Yes, we'll be there as soon as possible." Robin answered and then he hung up. Henry turned to Cora and said,
"Robin is on his way with Roland and then we'll be able to cross the line."
"Who's Robin?" Cora asked.
"Oh um, Robin his my moms um... Boyfriend" Henry replied.
"What?" Cora exclaimed "Someone found a way to love Regina?"
"Yes, and he makes her very happy. She finally has her happy ending." Henry beamed. Just then Roland and Robin arrived on the other side of the line. Roland walked over the line and immediately hugged Henry.
"Bro bro, bro bro!" Roland said excitedly.
"Hi! Roland." Henry said as he hugged the little boy. "C'mon lets go see mama ok?"
"Yes! Mama!" Roland said with a huge smile on his face. He grabbed Cora and Henry's hands and walked over the line.
"Henry!" Robin exclaimed "Are you okay? How did this-"
"I will explain everything, but first I need to see my mom!" He interrupted.
Then he ran off.
He got to Regina's house and walked in as quiet as possible. He heard Regina quietly sobbing in the kitchen. He walked in a tapped her on the shoulder.
"Mom?" Henry said. Regina quickly turned around when she heard the sound of her son's voice.
"Henry! What are you doing here? How did you get here?" She asked
"I told you I'd find a way." Henry replied, then smile.
"I'm just glad your here!" Regina replied as tears ran down her face. She hugged Henry.
"Me too. But I'm back now." He said as he buried his face in Regina's shoulder.
"Oh, Henry I love you so much." Regina said as she kissed his forehead.
"So, who did you meet in the underworld?" Regina asked.
"Um, let's see. I met your mother, father, oh and by the way your fathers not mad at you anymore. I also saw my dad!" Henry said.
"Oh, that must have been fun. How is he?" Regina asked.
"As good as a dead person gets, I guess." Henry laughed.
"I suppose!" Regina smiled.
"Oh and I also met your old fiancé Daniel." Henry said.
"Oh, that must have been great!" Regina smiled.
"Yeah, I know how to ride horses now." Henry said.
"Wow, look at how grown up my little prince is now. I guess you don't need me any more." Regina sighed 
"I think I could stand you a little longer." Henry replied and smiled.
Oh, Henry, you're so sweet. I love you!" Regina said as she gave him a hug. Then Henry said,
"I forgot to mention that your mom is here." Henry said.
"Okay..." Regina pursed her lips. "We'll deal with that later, Henry. I have something important to tell you." Regina said to him.
"Okay, what is it?" Henry asked.
"Well, me and robin are engaged and expecting a child."
"WHAT!?" Henry half-shouted. "But you can't have kids, remember? The potion you drank."
"Robin found a way to break it."

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