Chapter 1

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It was chaotic in the forest. Children were screaming and crying. Men were shouting orders. All because of a blazing fire that was ravaging the land. 

A loud deafening sound was heard from a tree that came crashing to the ground, landing inches from a small burrow in which a small girl was hidden. She cringed deeper into the small space, curling herself into a fetal position as the ground shook.

The girl whimpered as she felt the leaves scrape her back. She tried to bury herself deeper in the burrow.

Then she heard her name being called. 


 The voice called out desperately for the girl.

The girl’s eyes widened. She then shuffled out of her position and crawled out of the burrow. Her eyes widened at what she saw.

A wall of red and orange was seen in the distance of the forest. Around her the trees were glowing with the flames in the background. The greenery was starting to turn brown as the flames came closer.

Sera gasped as she heard a crackling noise and a burning leaf came falling before her feet. The fire soon erupted and started to spread, following the trail of twigs around her feet. Sera’s eyes widened and she turned around and started to run.

Mommy! Daddy! Her eyes widened as she thought of her parents. She then instantly closed them and wiped her eyes. Ashes from the fire were stinging her eyes. Sera continuously wiped them as she ran.

Where were they? What about Kimi?

She was outside with her mother and younger sister, Kimiko, learning a new song. Sera already knew this song; however, Kimi was much younger than her and was in the process of learning the song. During that time, Sera had decided to wander the forest as Kimi learned.

That was when the attack happened.

Sera then coughed. She looked up as she heard shouting and her eyes widened. Through the smoke, she saw a silhouette of an army of men. All of them were large, gigantic-looking in her case. They all held large torches, cursing the forest with their flames. Along with those men, there was another group. They were much larger and were carrying numerous objects.

Sera’s eyes widened. She knew these were the bad people and turned around, still looking in their direction. She turned her head and started to run with her eyes shut tight from the ash burning it.

Around her, she could hear shouting and fluttering of the wings as people were trying to escape the flames.

That’s when she heard her name being called again, followed by multiple coughs.

 “Sera! Where are you?” She heard the male voice call out again. The girl looked up trying to see through the smoke. She tried to call out to the voice but ended up coughing.

“Sera!” An arm wrapped around her. She yelped as she was lifted into the sky. Her carrier pulled her close protecting her from the heat given off by the flames.

She then looked up to see who her savior was. “Daddy,” she asked in a hoarse voice.

“Are you alright?” he asked glancing down at her.

The girl just nodded and then asked, “What's going on daddy? Where are Mommy and Kimi?”

Her father looked up continuing to fly. She heard him hesitate before he replied, “Don’t worry about them they're safe now.” His voice faltered as he spoke.

Lost in TimeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang