Chapter 21: Mya and Nya

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Dogwonder: Hi guys! New year! Yeah!

Nya: Author you started this in August. It's January. What have you been doing?!

Dogwonder: I really don't know. Though I blame school.

Nya: Just do a better job since it's a new year.

Dogwonder: Aye sir! Oh yeah! Here's this picture I requested a long time ago, but forgot to put up. It's Nya and Lilly! By HetaAngeric.

I open my eyes to see myself in front of a mirror. Though it wasn't exactly me. If you gave it a glance you would think it was, but after looking closer you could tell she wasn't. The girl had red eyes, wild hair, and an insane grin.


"I think it's time to decide who gets to keep the body Nya." Mya grinned. "I'm having too much fine with these guys and I'm tired of you getting in my way."

"Like I would ever hand my body over to you." I glared.

"Oh, but Nya. Why do you want a body so bad?" Mya questioned. "You always wanted to be alone and you can finally have the chance."

I was a little taken aback by the question.

"But I can't let you have it. You would hurt people." I argued.

"People?" Mya scoffed. "I thought you didn't care about anyone."

I don't care about anyone.

Those words echoed inside me.

"That's right." I said slowly. "And no one cares about me. I like being alone."

"That's right Nya." Mya agreed. "So I should be the one to leave."

I suddenly felt what it was like to be cold as it seeped through my body and crushing my heart. I withered in agony.

"Don't fight it Nya. It's helping you." Mya grinned.


My body was slowing down. I could barley feel my face.

"I will be with you until you leave Nya." Mya promised. "Just like you were with him."


"Oops. Too late to reveal that." Mya smirked.

I felt very tired. My eyes yearned for sleep as they tried to close.

"Good b-" Mya started.

I heard a loud gasp from her. I strained to focus on her and saw red dripping down her. Something stuck out of her stomach, but I couldn't tell what it was. She coughed and blood splattered on the mirror.

"How did they...?" She coughed.

Her red eyes were becoming dull and I fell to my knees.

"Help." Mya whispered.

She suddenly became still and stared at me with open eyes.

I'm alone.

A small smile crept on my face and I fell onto my side.


"Sorry Nya. Can't let you do that." A voice apologized.

A light appeared before my eyes. It felt warm. My limbs slowly started to thaw.

"We can't leave you alone." Another voice said.

"Because we're family." Another joined in.

"We can't let you get away that easily." Another said to me.

"We still have more things to do together."

"So we're coming to get you."

The light grew closer until I was enveloped in it. Images flashed in the light. I saw Wendy trying to desperately heal me with Charla next to her. Lucy with teary eyes. Natsu all bandaged up with a determined face and Happy holding fish with a sad face on. Erza with a worried face and Gray looked serious.

Are they all waiting for... Me?

"Yes, so you better get back Nya." A voice told me.

The voice made my heart ache to hear though I couldn't remember why. Something walked into the light with me and it was Mya. She had a kind smile and her eyes were blue.

"Guess you have people looking out for you know."

"How?" I asked.

Mya's alive?

"The light healed me and remember, I'm a part of you." She smiled.

She walked over to me and hugged me.

"You've grown Nya. Now it's time for me to go to. I'm sorry I became the way I was. I guess I can't protect you forever."

I hugged Mya back who felt fragile.

"I forgive you."

"Thank you." Mya whispered.

She slowly started to dissolve into me.

"Live a good life." She said.

Her last words.

The light around me grew blinding until I could only see white.

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