Chapter Two- The Day Of

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I started today by managing to get rid of the dark bags under my eyes due to lack of sleep. Concealer works well with me and I was very pleased. I put on my makeup and decided that I looked presentable, and maybe even a little more if I do say so myself. It's a special day, you know.

I did my hair and picked out a nice outfit. Hopefully they would take just a glance at me. I'm holding on every linger of hope that they do.

I didn't even have breakfast, so by the time I got to school my stomach was nauseous, but that's mostly from my nervousness, I'm sure.

The concert doesn't start until the middle of the day, but a lot of people are skipping class to get to the tour bus when it comes. I won't be able to. I have a meeting for the school paper.

In my school, if you're part of the school paper staff, you are to attend every meeting, complete every job, and make the paper perfect, or you'll never live it down with Mr. Gillian. To be honest, I am upset that I would get to the tour bus, but I have broken one of the newspaper staff rules before and I don't think skipping the meeting is worth writing a twenty page essay again.

So I sat down in Mr.Gillian's room that morning, along with the rest of the newspaper staff. Everyone with fidgeting; playing with their fingers, constantly running their hand through their hair, and tapping their foot repeatedly. I don't believe Mr. Gillian could have talked any slower than he did. He gave out the article assignments after his proud and encouraging speech from our last issue.

"So, I would like to give out the assignments to you wonderful reporters before the bell rings," Mr.Gillian began.

"!Dylan, your piece of poetry was so wonderful, I'm having you take care of that again. Lilly, I want you to report the latest details of the election for Mayor. Katherine, take care of the comics this month, will you? George, I need that report on school lunch you wrote printed and published..."

And so on and so on. Then he got to me.

"Now I know what is going on today, you hear? And I know that it's a little last minute, but I would like you to interview the band and take pictures of the concert for the next issue. You will be assigned a room to

Have the interview in later. Can you handle that?"

I couldn't believe what I'd just heard. I nodded repeatedly.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes!" I managed not to scream.

"Okay, give me the full interview as soon as you're completely done," Mr. Gillian said and winked.

After that, the meeting was called off, and I ran to my best friend and told her what just happened.

"You are so lucky! Does that mean you get front row?" She asked.

"Yes! I'm so excited! Did you see them at the tour bus?" It was my turn to ask her a question.

"I saw the tour bus, and I'm pretty sure they were inside but the stupid ass principal and security evacuated us back in the building, if that's even possible. Can you evacuate inside a building?"

"I guess so"

We both laughed. (Note: this whole conversation was not as calm as it seems. There were squeals in between words and most of the words sounded like excited gibberish and more squealing. I think you understand the scene now.)

Finally, what everyone was waiting for, the announcement for all students to report to the performing arts center came on the loud speaker. I didn't even have time to move, and the camera around my neck almost broke when the mob of students rushed down the halls and pushed and shoved everyone so they can get the best seat.

Boy, was I glad mine was reserved. I actually felt great full that I was part of the school paper for once. So when the halls emptied, I attempted to calmly walk into the temporary stadium. But that didn't work. I started shaking and did this weird walk/run/skip to my seat. I squealed a little too.

The concert was unreal. I took amazing pictures and I got to touch their hands and they sang so well. It was one of the most amazing things I've ever went through. But I don't remember most of the concert because I'm too excited that I'm going to meet them. I know this is hard, but try to picture me going insane right now at this moment, because that's how I am. On the inside. Or at least I think so. No one is staring at me weirdly so I guess I'm fine.

I walked up to the door of the room I was assigned for the interview. No one was crowded there because the principle had threatened to all the students who weren't permitted in the room that if they were there, he'd fail every single one of them in every subject. Good thing I'm safe.

My steps seemed heavy, and my mouth became dry. I looked through the window. I saw them.

They were acting normal. Chatting and sitting down casually in the desk chairs, and I swear, a door knob had never been so hard to turn. If I didn't know them, they would seem like regular good looking students, which calmed the butterflies in my stomach a little, because they seemed so... Normal. But I knew it was them.

The room got quiet as I sat down on a chair in front of them. The security guards on the side folded their arms,

And the five boys in front of me stared as I made myself comfortable in my seat. I didn't look straight at them yet.

"I... Umm..." I couldn't even begin to talk.

"Don't be nervous," a warm British accent greeted. I recognized it as Liam.

After a couple of seconds I did look at them. Liam smiled at me. Then Zayn grinned. Harry gave me his signature smirk. Louis grinned and waved. Niall smiled reassuringly.

What came out of my mouth was supposed to stay in my mind.

"I heard this somewhere before but I never thought I'd experience it. It's kind of hard to talk when your breath is taken away," I choked out.

Then I heard it. Niall's laugh. Where the interview brought me, I'd never expect.

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