Love Prevails All

Start from the beginning

Following many long minutes of kissing Harry, his mum comes in the door with her hands full of groceries.  "Not to interrupt but would you boys help me with the rest of the groceries" she asks sweetly.  "Sure no problem mum" Harry says smiling.  Harry and I make our way to her car and Harry tries to load up on as many bags as he can.  I chuckle at him "you know you can make more than one trip right?"  He smirks back at me "yeah but that feels like more effort, plus I'd have to spend more time outside".    I roll my eyes picking up the few bags Harry left for me.  

As I walk into the kitchen I find Anne unpacking the bags Harry brought in a few seconds before me.  When I set my bags down Anne pauses her unpacking "can either of you explain why Jay and Gemma are tied up in our living room?"  I look over to Harry for some help, "well they kind of attacked Louis and I this morning with four giant men because we're together.  So I ended up punching Gemma in the face and then tackling Louis mom and I kinda hit her too.  Also we didn't want them to run away when they woke up because Louis and I want to speak with them first".  I watch Anne listen attentively to what Harry is saying "I guess I can understand that but that does not mean I condone violence in this house Harold".  "Sorry mum" he says quietly "I guess I just panicked".  Anne just nodded her head understandingly and went back to unpacking all the groceries she had just bought.

We make our way back to the living room not wanting to be in Anne's way.  As we enter the living room I hear a slight rustling and see Gemma squirming around on the couch.  "Oh so you're awake" I say, more hatred filling each word.  "Yeah" she replies "could you get me the fuck out of these ropes?"  I can see Harry is already about to snap at her again so I push him towards the stairs.  "You go rest love" I whisper in his ear "and I'll be up there before you know it".  With that I walk away swaying my butt a little more than necessary.  

"So" I say reenter the living room "you thought it'd be a good idea to try and take Harry and I away from each other?"  Gemma tries to look away and I can see my mum still waking up a little bit.  "You do realize nothing will ever tear us apart.  Sure a relationship won't always be good and sure people like you assholes won't approve, but when push comes to shove I really don't give a single shit.  Your opinions do not matter to me in the slightest.  Mum you're fucked up in the head.  I used to think you were a roll model and that one day I would want to grow up like you.  However, now I know you are nothing but complete filth.  I am your son and you should love and support me through everything weather you think it is right or not.  I've learned over these past years of being on my own though.  I've learned I no longer need your approval.  I would love it if you would be a part of mine and Harry's life but until you can learn to love me for the way I am, you need to stay as far away from me as possible.  I love you mum and I always will because you are my mum and you gave me life, but you need to learn to love me too.  Don't come back unless you accept me for who I am and love Harry for the way he is".  With that I untie my mum and watch her walk to the door.  When I see she's finally gone I turn back towards Gemma.  "You" I start "I know you love me and what not but you're living in a fake universe.  I will never love you like I love Harry.  I do not have feelings like that for any girl, especially the sister of the one man I have loved more than anything.  If anything Gemma, I love you like a sister because that's all you are to me and that's all you'll ever be.  You need to get out of this fake reality you've made for us.  I have never loved you Gemma, I have never needed you and I never will.  Harry is your brother and you need to respect that I am his, and his only.  Your brother loves you and all you're doing is driving him away.  You're making him hate you Gemma and if you don't stop soon you'll loose him forever.  I don't want to see that and I think deep down you don't either.  You need to really sit down with yourself and think everything through".  With that I untie Gemma and leave her sitting on the couch crying into her hands.  

I finally make my way up the stairs to the one person I honestly want to be with right now.  "Harry" I say finally pushing open his door "I'm sorry that took so---".  I stop short noticing Harry laying on his tummy.  However, that wasn't the best part.  Harry's laying on his bed completely naked looking at me with a devilish smirk.   


"Come here lover boy.." He says to me still smirking. I walk slowly over eyes gazing his body up and down. He sits up getting on his knees. Once i get close enough he pulls me closer to him by my shirt kissing me gently on the lips. When I least expect it he pulls me towards him further pulling me underneath him while he straddles me. once i'm under him he pulls my boxers off grinding against me. I moan into his kiss. He gets up going to get a condom. 

While he goes to get a condom I sit up on the head board. When Harry gets back I pull him into my lap. I flip us over so I'm on top of him. He wraps his legs around my waist. I take the condom putting it on slowly entering him. Harry moans loudly as I whimper in pleasure. He grabs for my ass trying to push me further in. I push myself all the way inside of him he whimpers in pleasure before begging for more. I pull out and slam back inside of him. He moans loudly in pleasure as i continue in this pace. The bed frame starts hitting the wall as i start getting rougher with my pace. I continue this until I hear Harry yell "Harder Lou!" I then ram into him as hard as I can. He moans wrapping his arms around my back scratching my back as hard as he could. 

He moans louder than before cumming all over our stomachs. I fall beside him kissing his cheek. When I hear a knock on the door I pretend I'm asleep so I don't have to get up but, in reality I fall asleep as fast as 2 minutes go by.  Before I go to sleep I hear Anne call out "try to not bang the head board against the wall next time!" as she laughs I smile and fall into a Harry filled sleep.


I awake the next morning to a sharp pain in my side.  I open my eyes finding Harry pushing his hand into my hip.  "God Louis you've been asleep for ages" Harry says finally moving his hand.  "I think you bruised my hip love" I chuckle.  Harry rolls his eyes "good you probably deserved it".  I give a look of utter shock "I'm an angel Harold, I have no idea what you're talking about".  "Yeah okay Lou" he rolls his eyes "an angel would totally do the things you did to me last night".  I hold my finger against my lips shushing him "no one needs to know about that".  We both start laughing, it's a nice change from yesterday morning.  "Now get cleaned up and dressed Lou, I'm taking you shopping for your own clothes because mine are just too big for you" Harry says walking towards the door.  I whine "but Harry I love wearing your clothes".  "Too bad" he says "I love wearing my clothes too and I can't when you're always in them".

When Harry leaves I finally pull myself out of bed and grab one of Harry's jumpers and a pair of jeans I had in my bag.  I groan in annoyance trying to search for a pair of boxers.  Harry knocks on the door once again "I'm coming in" he says already pushing the door open.  Harry stops as soon as he sees me "why aren't you dressed yet" he stutters through his sentence.  "I couldn't find a pair of boxers" I huff.  Harry giggles and walks over to his dresser pulling out a pair of black fitted boxers.  "Here try these and hurry up I'm bored" he says walking out of the room again.

I slip on the clothes and make my way down the hallway to the bathroom.  I roll my eyes because I have to take off the clothes I just put on.  I start the water and let the shower run for a few minutes so that it is warm when I climb in.  I turn to the mirror and notice everything that is wrong with my body.  Tears start to form in the corners of my eyes and I hear two quiet knocks on the door.  "What do you need" I ask wiping away the tears.  The door pushes open slowly and in comes Harry.  "Mind if i join you" he asks smirking at me.  "Harold we just had an eventful night last night and you already want more this morning?"  He chuckles "fine good point but later on tonight is a whole different story".  I kiss him softly "join me when you're ready".  I stand in the shower soaking my hair "you know I thought today we could get two tuxes" I hear Harry say as he climbs into the shower.  My breathe catches "but Harry how can we get married" I say voice cracking "no one will marry two men".  Harry smiles pulling my body into his "I have a family friend that is a priest and I talked to him about marrying us".  Tears of joy roll down my face "you mean" I stop short.  Harry pulls my lips to his and I finally feel like all the hard times are over.  I finally get to marry the man of my dreams and we finally get to be happy together forever.  Everything from this moment on is and will be perfect.

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