Stupid pervert

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Hey my lovely readers! SSSOOOO Yall are silent and people are bout to die! Love ya! Just FYI Akari likes good and bad boys.


~Previously ~

"S-Stalker? ..What are you doing?" She asks me, a blush appearing on her cheek. Before I knew what was happening....

~Real time~

I smirked at akari before starting to lean in closer to her. My lips are hovering about a centimeter adobe hers and i kiss her. Her lips are so warm and soft! Then I feel a sharp pain in my lower region. I'm then swung across the room and hit the wall before falling to the ground.

"MOTHER  FUUUUUCCCKKKEERR!!" I yell while grabbing my area.

"Thats what you get for being a pevert stalker." I turn just in time to see Akari smirk before turning on her side and covering herself further in the bedsheets. "If you want to still be able to make children I suggeste that you leave me alone and not be perverted."

I just let out a small groan before standing up and hobbling over to my bed and laying down. Not bothering to cover myself I start to let myself fall asleep. Just before Im completely asleep I feel a shift on the bed and myselft being covered in a blanket. At feeling then new warmth I immediately snuggle up to it. I then hear someone let out a snort in amusement before mumbling 'Stupid pervert'. The person then moves, causing the bed to shift again and a small smile to appear on my face. Thanks...

Akari Sendo 

The next day I could not stop thinking about sasuke and his lips and the fact that he likes me! ME! Of all girls....why me? Oh well. Today im gonna explore the house. I head downstairs and turn to see a hallway ive never notcied before. As i walk i see Snakes office, a coat closet, a garage with 7 cars in it! dang! Then i start to slowly aproach a lit room where the door is cracked open and i here grunting and moaning coming out and im scared to know what it is but i look anyway and i see sasuke working out. Right now he is practing his fighting skills. He is good. Then he goes to pick up a sword and i notice that he is SHIRTLESS!!!!!!!!!! Damn his abs!!! 8 pack and he is in high school!! Oh my lord! Joshin save me!!! All he has covering him is gym shorts. Why is he so beautiful?! Wait no hes not! Am i drooling! Im drooling!!!! OMFG! Stop it! Stop flexing! He put the sword back and walked over to the bench press set and started oh my lifting weights!!! Stop watching him!!! Good lord SOO HOT it should be illegal! Thats it i like him!
"Its rude to stare, Rosey.'

"I wasn't! Wait Rosey?"

"Yea. Your new nickname. I thought you needed one since you nicknamed me." My heart skipped a beat what he said that.

"Yea....Stalker. But why rosey?"

" Your pretty crimson red hair and eyes. I thought it was better than bloody."

"Thats what my old classmates called me after....."

"After what?" i paused for a moment and thought about the murder of my parents, my brother, james, all of it. Then i started to speak.

"I wasn't watching you...i was trying to decide if i wanted to work out. Never mind." I said and ran away. i ran to sasukes room slammed the door and took of of my pills and just slept.

An unexpected love modern day Sasuke x readerWhere stories live. Discover now