Creepers and Sleepers

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Hello you lovely peoplez!!! That is James. Thought u should know. On with the story!!!

"James. We need to talk." I say to him.

"Oh so your not avoiding me. I'm surprised."

" Shut up! Your lucky im talking to you at all!" i yell and everyone starts staring.

" I could leave."  

" NO! I need to say this. I know we had a past but....... But lets just forget it! Act like we dont know each other. You wont talk to or about me and i promise i wont talk to or about you."

" Now, why would i agree with that? I miss you. I need you. And it wasnt my fault."

" Not your fault. Not your fault! Yes it was! They found hi..... Yes it was your fault." And with that i left. I cant this. Why did i think this was a good idea. Sturring up old memories and almost exposing my painful past and doing somthing i didnt thnk i could do anymore. Cry. And for him to say it was not his fault?!?! What is that about? I was all his fault. Always has been always will be.

ive been walking for about 10 minutes now and not paying attention to where i was going and not carring ethier. I have to much on my mind. My past comming back to me even though ive tired sooooooo hard to bury it and run from it, him, my little brother "oof! Hey watch it!"

" No you watch it! And whos him?"

" None of your bezewax!" was i talking out loud?

" Yup! All you said though was the to much on my mind part."

" Who are you? A stalker?!"

" No. Im Sasuke. And you are?"

" Why do you care?"

" Hey you know my name i think its only fair if i know yours." 

"No its not!" hey started smerking clearly annoying me.

" Come on. Be fair."

" Fine its....... NOT TELLING STALKER!" i yell and leave. What a creep!

" Whos a creep?"
" Will your leave me alo.. oh hi naruto. Just some guy named sasuke."

" Oh that teme! I know hes just so ahhhahhh!!! Such a baka!"

" Yes you are gaki( young imature person)! So whos your girlfriend?" says sasuke

" Do you wanna know my name that badly?! Creeper! Naruto you tell him my name i will kill you! And im not his girlfriend!" i say as i run off. GRR what a day! Im skipping the rest of the day! Im going home! 

When i get to the door of my aparment i unlock it, go in, slam the door shut, lock it, throw my stuff on the floor, and go into my bathroom. I look at my self in the mirror. Then i look at my arm scars. Ihavent in a long time and not gonna. I reach into the medicine cabinet, take out my anti-depresent pills and go and sit on my bed. I take 2 and lay down on the bed. I hear my phone buzz and look to see its from naruto. I set my phone down and got to sleep.

Hey my lovley readers! Srry it took me so long! Here it is ! I know its short but yah. idk. BYE!

An unexpected love modern day Sasuke x readerWhere stories live. Discover now