Curiouser and curiouser!

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Idea by @CoraNightwalker101
Song is Lost in Stereo by: All Time Low!
Akari's POV
I sit on the bed and stare at nothing in particular while sasuke calms down. I would try to do it my self but im lost in thought. Before naruto showed up we almost did it! I don't know if in ready for that. I also cant stol thinking about what sasuke said. 'Other girlfriends'! What other girls! I mean i know he is popular and that i havent known him very long but i cant help but feel jealous. Or hurt that he didnt tell me. Oh well.

"She's dancing alone
I'm ready to go but she's so
Lost in stereo, lost in stereo
She's out of control, so beautiful
In stereo, lost in stereo
And I've been waiting for so long
But she'll never know
I'm losing hope 'cause she's so
Lost in stereo, lost in stereo"
Im snapped out of my thoughts when i hear my phone ring. I look over to see an unknown number. I hit the green circle on the screen of my silver iphone 5s and speak.
"Hi sweetheart" i hear a faintly familler voice say.
"Who is this"
"This is sasukes older brother. You met me downstairs. Names Itachi. And you are?"
"Akari" i say as i glance over to sasuke. He's watching me with a curious look on his face. I see him mouth "Whos that?" I smirk. Just because he is my boyfriend doesnt mean i cant mess with him. Hehehe! I shake my head as if to say no one and continue my phone call.
"What a beautiful name!!"
"Thank you!" I say and sasuke get aggravated and walks over and snatches the phone out of my hand puts it to his ear and yells "Who the fuck is this?"
"Language brother." I hear itachi say. Then sasuke hangs up and marches down stairs and yells "Stay!"

Sasuke's POV

When i get downstairs i walk up to itachi and ask "How long are you here and how did u get her number?"
"Your phone and a week. Why?"
"Me and Akari are leaving until u leave!" I say and run upstairs to pack and choose where to go.

When i get to my room i simply say "Pack a bag we are going out of town for a week." And grab a bag out my closet and start to pack it.

A few hours later we were finally ready to go.
"Hey sasuke." Akari says as i start my black convertible Mustang.
"Where are we going?" she questions.
"My dad owns a beach house not far from here. We will stay there." I respond as u drive out of my property.

Heyo! I know it is shorter than usual but im tired and need sleep so here!

An unexpected love modern day Sasuke x readerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ