Chapter 16: Steve-O arrested

Start from the beginning

Lucky for us, Science went quite fast and before I knew it the bell had gone and I was walking out to see Barry “Connor wants to meet you in the PE office this lesson” I said as soon as everyone had left the classroom, Barry was taken back a little and didn’t know what to say then just nodded before he left me and went in the direction of the office, I walked in the opposite direction and went to my History class, sitting down next to Jack again. By the end of the lesson, we’d finished pretty much all the work and managed to arrange hanging out over the weekend, when the bell went I didn’t see Barry so I went with Jack to get something to eat. “Hiya, Maggie, how’s Mr Budgen?” I asked as Maggie put some food on my plate “No change” was all she managed before she handed the plate to me and one to Jack. “I feel dead sorry for ‘er” Jack said as we sat down at a table, I turned around and looked at her then looked back to Jack “Same…I know what she’s going through though, I was the exact same when my mum were in a coma” I said and started my lunch, Jack just nodded and started his own food. Once we’d finished eating, I walked with Jack then said bye when I saw Barry coming over “Come with me” he said and pulled me black the way I’d just come then practically pushed Kevin into an empty office. “Barry let ‘im go” I said to him, he walked away then started pacing a little, I stood there and watched as Barry told Kevin where he was hiding something then watched Kevin walk out. “What was that about?” I asked walked over to him and putting my hands on his waist “He wants me to get him a gun” Barry said, I looked at him and dropped my hands before walking away; I grabbed my bag “No. Barry, I made it clear to you how I feel about guns” I said and pushed open the door “Kaitlin wait let me explain!” he shouted but I walked away. I stormed off down the stairs and through the corridor before bumping into someone “Sorry” I mumbled then started to walk away again “Kaitlin? You alright?” I heard the person ask and I spun round to see Harley “Yep. Fine” I said in a whispered tone “No you’re not, come on tell me” he said, I sighed and pulled him into an empty classroom. “Barry’s getting a gun for someone” I blurted out, Harley just stared at me, not understanding. “Harley, I made it clear to Barry how I felt about guns. Any weapon now it just it reminds me of Kyle and I can’t go back to that” I said and through my bag on the floor before bursting into tears “Hey, hey, it’s okay. Kyle’s gone, Kaitlin, he’s in prison” Harley said, I just looked at him through my tears “He’s out of prison, Harley, he has been for over a month. Don’t you remember? He came back on my birthday…” I said and kicked the wall, “Oh” I heard Harley say before I just fell down and started to cry. I heard the door slam and guessed Harley had gone to get someone so I just stayed down on the floor, I didn’t even look up when the door opened up again but I assumed it was my dad and I was right “Kaitlin what’s wrong?” he asked and lifted my chin up, I just looked at him then let my eyes flicker to Harley, giving him a warning look not to mention anything and I knew he knew I was on about the gun. “Nothing, just got a headache and some stuff reminded me of Rochdale, I’m fine now” I said, wiped my eyes then grabbed my bag and walked out the classroom, leaving my dad stunned. I walked back through the halls and put my bag down at a table before sitting alone and resting my head down. “Can I sit down?” I heard someone ask, I looked up and just stared at Barry, I nodded and he took the seat opposite me. “Look let me explain about the gun” Barry said and I stopped him “No. I need to explain something to you first; I haven’t been fair to you. I never explained one thing to you and that’s why I have such a thing about guns and weapons…” I said, Barry stayed silent and waited for me to continue. I took a deep breath and looked at him “When I first moved to Waterloo Road in Rochdale, I met a boy there, Kyle, and we started hitting it off and eventually we started dating. We’d been together for a good couple months when he started getting into gangs and all of that trouble. Being his girlfriend, I got dragged into it too and I was technically in the gang with Kyle. I thought I was doing the right thing by Kyle and I thought it would just be easier if I stayed in the gang with him, I loved him and I didn’t want to hurt him…It was going okay and we were fine and that then he got excluded for selling illegal vodka shots and attacking Miss Boston and some other stuff…” I started, I looked at Barry and saw him look at me, urging me to continue. “Anyway, the last day at Waterloo Road in Rochdale all the six formers were having a prom but it got cancelled when my friends gang who was the rival of Kyle’s gang came into school, they had a fight and pretty much tried to beat the shit outta my friend. So the prom was cancelled but we decided to put on a secret prom when we found out that the school was closing down for good. Somehow the teachers found out but they let us have it anyway blah blah blah. The prom was going fine until Josh and Mr Clarkson came in claiming that Kyle was in the school and he had a weapon. It was only then that I noticed Kyle on the stage but it was too late, he’d already fired the crossbow he had and he was aiming at Finn, my friend. Josh pushed Finn out of the way and he got shot himself which obviously was the reason Kyle got arrested. Cause of all the gang stuff I saw a lot of weapons being used and got forced to use some myself and the crossbow being fired and aiming to kill my best friend, it just it knocked me up and I just I really don’t want to be associated with guns and weapons again. I’ve seen way too many in my lifetime, Barry” I concluded. Barry just sat there and stared at me “Wow” was all he could manage. I just nodded and we sat in silence for a couple of seconds, Barry was about to open his mouth to speak but the bell went so I went to my next lesson which was double technology with Dynasty, Imogen, Connor and Kevin. I spent the whole lesson with Dynasty, trying to cheer her up which really didn’t work at all. When the bell went for the end of the day, I walked out with Dynasty after we heard Imogen and Connor speaking so we went over to her “Imogen are you leaving?!” I asked running over to her, I just there a second and watched Imogen basically shout at Dynasty about Steve-O before running after Dynasty when she ran off herself. “Dyn, what’s wrong?” I asked her in the bathroom, she started crying then Imogen came in “Look I’m sorry about what I said” Imogen said, but Dynasty just stood there and carried on crying. “It wasn’t you, it’s Steve-O” she said through sobs “What’s he done, Dyn?” I asked before she burst into tears and through her arms round Imogen. Dynasty pulled away and practically fell to the floor “Go and get Miss Mulgrew” I said to Imogen and sat down next to Dynasty, I pulled her to me and started hugging her “Dyn, you need to tell me what’s happened, please, Dyn. I can help you I promise just…Please…Tell me” I said and she just carried on crying, I looked up when the door opened and stood up when Christine walked in “Dynasty?” Christine said, she dropped her bag and coat on the floor and I went over to Imogen “Tell me what happened” Christina said and knelt down in front of Dynasty who just kept shaking her head “I can’t” “Yes ya can. Whatever it is, I’m going to stay right here and you take all the time you need” “It’s Steve-O” Dynasty said through sobs “He made me…” Dynasty added, at this point I knew exactly what she was going to say, I started to back away a little towards the door “Made you what?” Christine asked, rubbing Dynasty’s back “Have sex” Dynasty said and started crying again, I pursed my lips and ran out the toilet. I didn’t look back, just started walking as quickly as I could down the corridor and into the entrance hall, I fell down onto seat and started crying myself. I’d been sat there for a couple of minutes when my phone vibrated Come down docks, need you xxx read the message from Barry, I shoved my phone in my pocket and grabbed my bag before running out the school and down the road to the docks. I saw Barry and went over to him gasping a little for breath. “What’s up?” I asked, smiling “I wanted to show you why I was getting the gun” he said and took my hand in his. We walked through the door to a building on the docks and I suddenly jumped and went behind Barry a little when I heard shouting. “What do you mean, that’s what you’ve been told?” I heard someone say and realised how close we were to people when I saw Connor and Kevin and Steve-O’s back to us as we walked round. “How could you? After what he did to your sister?!” Kevin shouted and I felt Barry’s hand squeeze against mine, I just let my grip tighten more when I saw the gun in Steve-O’s hand. “You’re going to let him do this?” Connor shouted as well “You was going to do it to him” Barry said in a calm voice. “Pays to know who ya friends are” Steve-O said and I cowered a little more behind Barry. I couldn’t watch, I hid my face in his shoulder and just listened “Go on then! Cos if you think I’m going to stand here and beg, you’re wrong! I wouldn’t give you the satisfaction” I heard Kevin shout but didn’t look up at all “Do something, then, you going to let him shoot him?! Kaitlin tell me you’ll stop this?!” I heard Connor shout and I looked up then. “It’s not our fight, mate” Barry said, holding up his hands. “You raped Dynasty!” Kevin shouted and I just ignored the last word as my eyes starting watering a little “That’s gonna get out, whether you shoot me or not, everyone is going to know exactly what you are!” Kevin shouted again, “Is that right?” Steve-O shouted back, I looked at Barry and let a silent whimper leave my throat and Barry squeezed my hand again. “You might think you can take whatever you want, but you can never make her like you or respect you, Steve-O! Dynasty hates you, do you realise that?” Kevin was practically the only one shouting now and I watched as Steve-O looked back at Barry as if asking him for help but Barry stayed put next to me as Connor shouted to Kevin. “She wants you gone as much as we do. Nobody would miss you if you disappeared, Steve-O, especially not Dynasty!” “SHUT UP!” Steve-O shouted “Her life would be better if she’d never met you!” “I said shut it!” I saw Steve-O aim the gun, I screamed and hid my face again as I heard the barrel click but nothing happened. I looked up then and saw Steve-O pull the gun apart looking at Barry “You set me up! It’s empty!” Steve-O shouted at Barry and it was my turn to squeeze his hand “Dynasty said you never did anything to her. But I know her. And I know when she’s lying!” Barry shouted, I watched as Steve-O started walking towards us and started trying to pull Barry back a little “Did you think I was going to let you get away with it? Eh?” Steve-O shouted at Barry “Leave him alone!” I shouted at him and went forwards but Steve-O came at me and tried to hit me before I watched Barry pulled him away and push him down. “You raped my sister” Barry said at him, I could hear the pain in his voice as he came to realise it had actually happened. “You think I was going to let you get away with that?” Barry asked, backing away. I looked up when I heard the police sirens and started backing away “I can’t get done again, Barry, not when I didn’t do anything!” I shouted at Barry, he ran over and took my hand “We were never here. This stays between us!” Barry said to Connor and Kevin before we both started running off. Me and Barry ran out the building from the other way and just carried on running from the docks, we only stopped when we reached the street. “I need to get home…Dad’ll be worried…” I muttered through gasps of breath, I didn’t wait for Barry to say anything, I just walked off towards my street. When I got in, I heard the TV on so I walked into the living room “Where’ve you been?” my dad asked as I sat down on the sofa “I went out with Barry, sorry I forgot to come tell you” I lied, my dad just nodded before turning the TV off. He got up and sat back down next to me “Right, Kaitlin, I need to tell you something” dad said and he pulled me round to face him, I just stared at him before he took a deep breath “I resigned as head” he blurted out, I let my eyes widen as I stared at him “Wha-What?” I stammered, my dad stopped me saying anymore as he started explaining to me about what had happened that day, about Lorraine and trying to turn the school private. I sat there and listened then just nodded and hugged him when he finished. I made up some excuse and went upstairs to my room. I dumped my bag on the floor and pulled open my draw; I pulled out my razors and fell to the floor as I started relapsing and cutting again.

Sorry it took so long to update blah blah blah, 5+ votes and 3+ comments for next chapter


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