Chapter 17: Let's Run Away!

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Dedication to myownimagination for the awesome cover!!

Cecily wakes up, smiling at the boy next to her.

She looks at the hospital room's T.V. The 10 o'clock news is on. Her smile fads.

The ten O'clock news?!

She nudges Matt. He turns his head, his brown hair flopping. "Matt. Wake up."

He makes a grr sound, which makes her laugh. She tries to hold it in. "Matt. Psst. You have to leave. It's ten in the morning."

Matt opens his twinking blue eyes, slowly, looking so cute when he first wakes up. "How long have you been up?"

Cecily tries to sit up, but fails to due so. Her bones ache so badly. "I just woke up. And I think visiting hours are starting now. You should leave before anyone notices you."

He kisses her lips. "I love you so much. I am so sorry for everything, Cecily. You're just so beautiful and-"

"Shh." She quites him. "You're the first guy that I had ever said 'I love you' to. It's okay, Matt. You're forgiven." She giggles.

He smiles and hops out of the hospital bed. "I'll see you later, okay? Call me."

She nods her head, smiling back at him.

He opens the front door only to see her family.

The room is silent, Cecily's parents staring at them both in shame.

Her mother gasps.

"This has got to stop. No more sneaking around. No visits. No interaction!" Her father demands.

"Sir. I-" Matthew tries.

"Enough. Get out." Eric says.

Matt leaves without a word.

Cecily flips over to the other side of her bed, not really knowing what to say or how to feel. This guy in her life, her boyfriend is so great and perfect, and her parents, who haven't been in her life for years are just going to take this away from her? The only normal thing going on in her life? That's insane.

"Cecily." Her father tries.

"Go away." She mumbles, trying not to cry.

Her mother chimes in. "We're only doing what's best."

Cecily faces them. "What's best? You two have always been trying to do what's 'best' and it has been making me sick. I'm sick of this. Everything."

Derrick stands near the door, quietly.

The nurse steps in. "Hooray! You're free to go. Doctor only orders you to take your medication once everyday. You can pick it up from about any pharmacy." She starts unhooking things from Cecily's bed.

Great. Now she has to go home.

Cecily gets from out of the bed, wishing she were in more pain so she can just live in the hospital, permanently.

She and her family exit the hospital, with a very awkward car ride, reaching the tall gates to enter the estate.

Cecily runs-as best as she can- from out of the car, into the house, straight to her bed, and starts crying. She's never cried this much over a boy before. When did she get so attached to this one? And why can't she have him?

She looks up at the ceiling, thoughts bouncing around everywhere. Should she move back to France?

At least she'd be free.