Chapter 6: The Land of The Free... and obesity

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||Chapter 6: The Land of The Free... and obesity||

"What do you mean you're leaving?" Tiana ran from off of her bed as soon as Cecily arrived to the door, her voice cracking.

Maisie was crossing her arms. To say that she's a junior, she surprisingly acts a lot like a sophomore.

"Um, hello to you guys too?" Cecily says, taking her leather jacket off and hanging it up on the coat rack. She goes and lies down on het bottom bunk bed. Ah does it feel good to lay down!

"So your're just going to ignore us?" Maisie asks, tucking her reddish hair behind her ear.

Cecily turns around to face them. Tiana looks like she has been crying. "Look." Cecily starts, sitting up on the bed. "I didn't know how to tell you guys. I mean you're like my sisters. Which is why it's so hard. I was so mad at my mother when she told me the news. And I still am a bit. I mean this all happened today! I've never even been to America before!"

Tiana starts crying. And sits on Cecily's bed. Maisie joins along.

"You guys..." Cecily says, tears starting to form in her very eyes.

"Your going to be obese!" Tiana yells in her British accent.

"I kn..." Cecily says crying. "Wait, what?"

They all start laughing so hard.

"Tiana, where did that come from? That was so uncalled for!" Maisie laughs.

Cecily giggles along. "I'll try not to get obese."

The laughter dies down.

"We can visit you sometime if you want. Maybe this weekend. I know you have to pack your bags like today because you're leaving tomorrow. Your brother told me everything, by the way." Tiana offers, quickly.

"That would be sweet." Cecily replies to her, hugging them both and kissing them on the cheeks. "And that explains how you know so many freakin details about my move!"

Tiana giggles. "Yeah. And Derrick and I have decided to try a long distance relationship."

Cecily fakes a smile.

Yeah. Ha. Like those ever last.

"So. Do you need any help?" Maisie asks, getting from off of Cecily's bed.

Cecily wipes her wet eyes, getting up likewise.

"Uh... Sure!" She answers Maisie looking around.

"I still can't believe you're just... Moving." Tiana murmurs, folding Cecily's clothes.

Cecily sucks in air, trying not to cry again. "Me neither."

It's not so easy to say goodbye.

The dorm's doorbell rings.

"I'll get it." Cecily says to nobody in particular.

Maisie and Tiana nod their heads gloomingly.

Cecily sighs and rubs the wrinkles out of her old, comfortable Ralph Lauren polo shirt that she put on after the dinner with her mom and brother, and open the door.

"H-hi Cecily." Isaiah says, greeting her, his green eyes staring straight at Cecily.

Isaiah? At her boarding school on a Sunday? This is got to be good!

BLACK AMERICAN PRINCESS (BWWM INTERRACIAL)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora