Chapter 2: Black Girl, French Appearance

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||Chapter 2: Black Girl, French Appearance||

"Um, excuse me, driver?" Masie calls from the back of the Taxi.

Currently, they are all stashed together in the back seat of a taxi, in the rain, driving to Lyons. French music is blaring from the speakers. Can you spell no?

"Oui, Mademoiselle?" The driver says, slurring his accent, looking through the mirror above him.

"Parle vou anglais?" She asks.

Cecily rolls her eyes.

"Yes." He answers.

"Great! How much longer?" Maisie whines like a child on a road trip.

"8 minutes approximately."

Tiana and Maise start to squeal. Cecily yawns.

"I can't wait to see all of the guys." Tiana says dreamily.

"You mean you can't wait to see Derrick?" Maise cackles.

Cecily almosts gags on what she just said. Derrick is her older brother, the one who goes to the school in Lyons. She may not see him quite frequently, but it's still kind of gross to know that one of her friends has a crush on him. Besides, Derrick is known for being kind of a player. Which is one reason Cecily doesn't really like him. Girls like to believe that he's "Tall, Dark, and Handsome."

Tiana slaps Masie.

"Ouch!" Masie screeches.

The driver smiles.


The girls pull up to the school. It's tall arches are proudly holding up the world's flags.

Cecily pays the taxi driver and he drives off.

Standing side by side in their dresses and heels. In the rain. They walk into the campus up to the dorm where the party Is being held at.

"Hold on." Cecily tells Maise and Tiana when they get inside the building.

She dials her brothers number. It rings three times then, "Bonjour!" He answers.

"Hey, Derrick." Cecily greets him. Man, she hasn't talked to him in a while...

"... Kylie is this you?" He says, laughing. "I told you I wasn't into French girls! Or were you Australian?"

She rolls her eyes, then sighs. Her own brother doesn't recognize his sister's voice. "It's Cecily."

"Cecily! Cecily!" He coos. "Damn, it's been a while!"

"Yeah." She mutters.

"Hey, sorry. It was a stupid accident. Are you coming up to Lyons for my party tonight?" He asks. There is a lot of noice in the background already.

"Actually that's why I was calling you." She replies, looking at a bulletin board in the hallway. Roomate wanted.

"Room 311." He says.

Cecily hangs the phone up and gathers her friends, going to the third floor. This campus is shaped like an apartment complex, while her campus is shaped like a university's campus.

Maisie finger combs through her red wavy hair. "Here's the room." She traces the numbers.

The door flies open. A French senior greets them, smiling straight at Maisie. He kisses her hand and she blushes. "Welcome everyone. Make yourselves comfortable. And, let me show you around, chéri." He says, leading Maisie in the room. She winks at Tiana and Cecily.