chapter 14: princess.

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Johnny and I hug once more before leaving and going back to our seperate homes. When arriving home I take Noel on a walk. I think for a bit before deciding to film a video once I come back home. I decide to tweet so I can film an qna for when I get back.

Tweet: ask me some questions down below to be featured in this weeks video!

Noel does her business and I take her back inside with me. I give her a treat and go up to my room. Noel lays on her bed while I start setting up. I look at the time to see 9:30

I scroll through the questions and pick my 5 random ones then screenshotting them on my computer. I set up the tripod click record and sit upon my bed.

"Hey guys it's Sarah- UMPH" Noel jumps right on top of me. I start laughing then wait for her to settle down. She lays her head on my lap before I continue. "Anyways today I am going to be answering a few of your questions, so lets get started!" I say.

"The first question is from @JOFanClub and she asks how did you and Johnny meet? I met Johnny at the La County Fair, we literally bumped into each other and fell... so yeah." I giggle.

"The next question is from @sarcasticsarah I like your @ by the way anyways they asked, why did you name your puppy Noel? Basically I have always had an obsession over golden retrievers. I always wanted to get one and name her Noel. I got Noel on my birthday which is just a few days before Christmas so it worked out well!" I say.

"This question is from @johnnyocan and she said please explain this picture!1! with a picture of Johnny and I kissing at the park.." I say fading as I talk. "No comment?" I say as more of a question.

"Moving on this question is from @sarahsparis and he asked any originals coming out in the future? First I love your @ David and also I really don't! I hope sometime in the near future I can write and record one but first I need a record deal... which California is the perfect place for. But definitely look for some covers on this channel very soon!" I smile.

"And the final question is from @orlandoqueen and she asks are you coming to Florida soon? I really hope I can visit Florida again soon! When i lived in New York I would go to Marco Island two times a year! So hopefully soon" I say.

My phone chimes and I look down to see a text from Johnny. I instantly smile.

hey beautiful <3 whats up?

I reply

filming a video give me a minute <3

"Thanks for watching this weeks video! Give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed and want to see more qna's! Love you guys byee" I say putting up two peace signs before covering the camera.

I receive another text from Johnny.

text me when your done :))

I reply

am done bout to edit whats up with you?

He replys

just thinking of my beautiful girlfriend <3

I reply

your so cute!

He sends

no you aree but go edit! i have to rehearse love you <3

I answer

love you too <3

I grab my computer and lay on my bed with Noel. I import the clips before opening Final Cut Pro and editing. After about 1 hour I complete the video and start uploading it to youtube.


We finished rehearsal at 10:00 and I decided to go to bed. I am exhausted from today. I change into my blue Vlado sweatshirt and grey sweatpants. I play on my phone and look through Twitter and Instagram for a bit. I put my phone on my charger before turning it off and attempting to sleep.


At 10:30 the video was all rendered and published to youtube.

Tweet: Go check out my video! following/ dming everyone sending proof they liked the video!

So I start my follow and dm spree. At 11:00 I stop my spree and start to settle down. I lay in bed with a snoring Noel at my side. I look through my phone for about 15 minutes before my eyes start closing.

I place my phone on the charger before closing my eyes but not falling asleep.

I toss and turn for what feels like hours, I just can't seem to fall asleep. I feel as if someone is watching me and it is really freaky! I check my phone to see it is 2:00am and I still have not slept.

I wait another hour before giving up... I guess I'm just not going to fall asleep. So I text Johnny to see if he is up.

are you awake?


I jump so high when I hear my phone buzz. I look at it to see a text from Sarah.

are you awake?

I quickly respond

whats wrong princess?

she immediately responds

can't sleep :( feel as if i'm being watched

I don't respond... But I need to do something. I jump out of bed before exiting my room.


After texting Johnny and getting no reply makes me worried. I don't know why but I always worry so much during the night time. I hate night! My thoughts are interrupted by a tapping at my window... oh my god! I am going to die! Is the only thing I can think.

I look out my window to see a shivering Johnny. Oh my god. I quickly jump up and open the window. A blast of cool air hits my face. I help Johnny in before closing and locking it.

"What are you doing here" I whisper concerned. "I came for my girlfriend" Johnny smiles. "How did you even get here" I whisper again. "I walked" He whispers back. "Come here" I say motioning for a hug. I hug him tightly trying to warm him up.

He kisses my forehead before tightly hugging me again. "Now lets get you to bed" Johnny smiles widely. We both go in my bed before Johnny pulls me closer to him. Before I know it I'm fast asleep.

I feel safe, at home in your arms.

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