3. The Boy with the Heart Shaped Cookies

Start from the beginning

A scream ripped loose. Something slammed against the wall, a crash hitting the floor along with a shattering effect.

HB took the chance to grab the plate of cookies and chucked them across the floor. "Oh no. There goes the cookies," HB spoke in a monotone voice. She fell back into the couch with crossed arms and a flat smile.

Paris was too caught up in the mess in the kitchen to give a damn. He, the only one interested to turn, frowned at the sight. "Mate, what are you doing?"

"Why are you following me?!"

That familiar voice captured Delilah's attention and she whipped around. The cookies crushed under her hand, and Paris shrieked at the rain of crumbs over the couch.

Delilah stood up on the cushions and pointed a finger. "Ah ha! There you are!"

Ryland ran around to the chair, behind Paris and HB (it was a one seated chair, but Paris squished himself up against HB). "Get away from me you freak!" Ryland shouted.

Delilah chased after him, her friends sitting between the two screaming people. "If anything you're the freak! An angel hiding among Earth? Dumbest shithead I've ever slept with!"

Ryland threw his hands up in a more of a protective cross. "What are you talking about?!" He picked the pillow off the couch and pathetically threw it at her. "You're that psycho from school! Paris! Why the fuck do you have her in your house?!"

"I'm the Devil, bitch! I can be wherever the fuck I want to be," she snapped.

"She's my cousin," HB casually lied. "From Oklahoma."

Delilah and Ryland dropped their heads to the blonde. Paris picked up on this and brightened his eyes. "Yeah. Cousin. I was going to tell you but with the ba—"

"That's no excuse!" shouted Ryland. He clutched another pillow to his chest in lame defence. "You let a psycho into your home! You're almost as crazy as your mother!"

"Listen you—" Delilah began

HB slapped a hand over Delilah's mouth and sheepishly smiled at Ryland. "Sorry. They have a weird culture in Ohio."

"Wasn't it Okhalamo?"

"Shut up! Do I look like a geographic major to you?" HB gave a feisty snarl that definitely didn't sound human. Ryland glared.

"If you're keeping her then I'm out!" He threw the pillow at Delilah and ran out of the room. The coat rack hit the ground, and the bell harshly rang as the door slammed shut.

Paris released a long breath and slumped against the coach.

"What the hell was that?!" Delilah screamed in their face.

HB picked at her black nails. "Well, you probably scared the hell out of the poor kid."


Paris fumbled with his shirt and sighed, staring up at Delilah. "Well for starters—you told him you were the Devil."

"Most humans aren't Satanic worshippers," HB additionally quipped.


The toilet flushed in the next room over. "Delilah. You gotta check out their hand soap. It's got little beads in it and it smells like apricots—" Melon Head rounded the corner and froze as everyone looked at him. "What? Was I not supposed to use that one?" No one answered. "I can just get another hand soap if you want."

"Where were you all this time?!" shrieked Delilah.

He moved his thumb behind him. "I was just in the bathroom. Paris has this furry pink toilet seat and I just couldn't get up. It was too comfy. It was like my anus was making love to the—you know, you gotta sit on it yourself—"

Boys of the Dark | ✓ (2015)Where stories live. Discover now