Chap. II - Crossing Destinies part. I

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Sometimes it's difficult to believe how a little change in our life can overthrow our whole existence

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Sometimes it's difficult to believe how a little change in our life can overthrow our whole existence.

It's early morning in the park of the little town, and the four Kittie Cats are still discussing about what happened the night before.

"That was the most scary thing I've seen in my life!" Mimi keeps repeating like a broken record, while Michelle keeps silent about the event with her and the shadow.

"The most important thing is that we all are safe! But, now, what should we do? That thing seemed to want us!" asks Sebastian.

Brixi gives a quick glare to Shangelina "Yes, us or..."

"What? You are not thinking..." Michelle interrupts, in order to defend the green cat.

"I don't want to judge anyone, but, to me, that thing that was chasing us last night looked as strange as our new friend, and I have no doubts that they come from the same place!"

"You don't mean that Shangelina shares something with that... that..."

"I'm not saying this, I just suppose that it was actually looking for our alien mate, maybe it wants to hurt her or bring her back to where she came from

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"I'm not saying this, I just suppose that it was actually looking for our alien mate, maybe it wants to hurt her or bring her back to where she came from. One thing is sure: it has not good intentions!"

"He's right, Michelle. It didn't seem friendly to me, either. And probably it could be back at any moment!" Mimi adds.

"She's right, that's why I think this place is not safe anymore for us. I propose to hide somewhere else, while Sebastian and I investigate that creature and its intentions." Brixi sentences.

"I really think that Shangelina..." Michelle stutters.

"Let's do what Brixi said." Mimi interrupts. "I think it's a good idea and I know a lot of safe places! Follow me!!" The cat runs away while Michelle is dumbfounded. "I... actually, I think..." she tries to say, but when she realizes that even Shangelina left to follow Mimi, she gives up and flees, too.

Brixi and Sebastian stay in place, the yellow cat sternly looks at his friend, who is a bundle of nervous twitches himself. "Se... Se... Sebastian...?" He keeps repeating in fear.

At the same time, Rob's happy voice greets his wife while he's closing the door of the little house where they live

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At the same time, Rob's happy voice greets his wife while he's closing the door of the little house where they live. "Honey, I'm leaving! See you tonight!"

The man makes his way, like every morning, through the still empty road of his town. The sun has just risen, coloring the landscape around a soft pink aura. The air is chilly but delicate, excellent to face a new hard day of training. "Yawn!" Rob breaks the silence around. "I've hardly slept last night! I was too nervous for no apparent reason!" He talks to himself, crossing the little garden in front of his house.

From behind a tree Brixi and Sebastian are observing him.

"I know what he means." Sebastian softly admits.

"Is it him?" Brixi asks, ignoring him.


"Let's follow him!"

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