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Somehow Beth and I end up at Rick's after we saw the momentum. The storm is intense but I am more worried about the walls surrounding Alexandria.
- I will check on Judith- Beth caresses my cheek and leaves the room. I keep staring at her like an idiot and Rick punches my arm with a pillow - Love bird! Come back... - He is mocking me and I shake my head - I'm right here, moron!- I look away and to see outside the window - Dude, you seen the walls? That thunder hit the tower badly... We thought it was going down...- I change subject since I don't like to talk about my relationship with Beth. Rick stares at the window - I am worried about it... That is the thing... If the walls don't hold, the whole town is doomed and so are we- He talks slow and soft in concern. I throw the pillow to the floor angry - Another fucking stone in our shoe... I shouldn't be bothered but somehow now I am- I sigh at the thought of not having peace at any place we reach. - This place was ok... Maybe we are not good luck after all...- I mutter but  Beth walks in just in time - Why do you say that?- She asks holding Judith and Rick looks down - We were talking about hockey- He jokes and I chuckle softly - Oh... Funny Rick is here!- Beth smiles at Judith - See, your dad can be a clown so you will have amazing birthday parties!- She places her in the couch and glances at me. I can't fool her, she spent too much time with me and got aware of some my old habits. - We were wondering about the walls... the scene out there is what matters for the sake of these people- I explain and she nods - I know, Daryl. I was there with you... What are we going to do about this?- Beth is so mature now. She is self-centered and knows how to remain calm. Well, she always was the sunshine of our gang anyways. 

I stand up and check her knee - You dodged the bullet!- I smile and Rick picks Judith up - Come on, baby... Time for bed and not only for us!- He says goodbye and winks. Beth blushes and I notice I do too.  Jeez. I still have issues when to comes to these stupid jokes. Beth stares at me - You are cute when you get blushed- I pick her up by her waist suddenly - You are teasing me too now?! Fine. Don't say I didn't warn you!- Beth starts laughing and we head home since the rain is stopping by now.

The next morning Carol meets Rick in the street - Hey... I wanted to talk to you... Do you have a minute? - Carol nods at Rick and cleans her hands from the dirt of the garden - That storm almost wrecks my cute garden!- Carol glances her "housewife" smile at Rick and they both laugh. -I almost buy that... You are getting good at this, Carol- Rick hangs a hand in his belt leaning sideways. -What do you need? Is about those trembling walls?- Carol asks and sits in the stairs, Rick joins her -Is something wrong with you and Morgan?- He asks and slightly turns his head to her. Carol raises an eyebrow - Let me guess... It was Daryl, that boy is turned into a gossip channel!- She shakes her head - I have nothing against him, Rick but we know each other and I fear when the time comes and it always does... - Carol makes a pause to stare at the sky - Morgan will doubt and you know the rules, Rick... In these days, doubt can not only kill you but others too- She says quietly and stands up placing a hand in Rick's shoulder. -Alright. I will keep that in mind- He replies now more worried than before.

I told Daryl about the nightmares and I feel better already. He is out today with Aaron. Michone is training me hard. I have to be able to defender myself. I do like this. I want to surprise Daryl. I want to be able to protect him. We made a promise and we will keep it.

Aaron is walking faster today and I barely slept since Beth told me about her nightmares. -Hey, watch out!- Aaron yells and there's a walker right behind me being hit by my knife. - Thanks, man- I feel shitty. -You are off the game today! Rough night with the Missy?- He smiles and I shake my head - Nah... It's complicated- I sound officially like a girl. -Relationships are... - Aaron says but another sound distracts me -Shut up- I raise my hand and Aaron stares in wonder - What is that?- He asks and I follow the noise quietly riding my bike. My eyes cannot believe what I am seeing. Aaron stares at the huge whole in the ground full of walkers - Oh my God- he covers his mouth in deep shock-How did they get in there?- I admit the smell is disgusting even for me. I stand there watching the show. A fucking thousands of walkers in a pit  - The question is who led them there?- I say and turn around to see if one of them is in the lose... -Talking about stones in our shoes... This is a fucking mountain about to collapse above us- I sigh and my thoughts are going straight to Beth. This will be another battle... And I don't know if we'll all going to make it. 

Picking up speed now... 4 chapters to go! Do not let go on me! You led me until this point, let's end this together... For Daryl, Beth and the story we deserved.

All the love~ M

The hope and The brave- Bethyl storyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang