Chapter 5

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The next day flew by in a blur.

I couldn't concentrate on anything but my crazy plan. The butterflies in my stomach were hopped up on caffeine and my anxiety was through the roof. I stood outside the men's locker room and waited for the players to vacate before sneaking inside. I never would have done anything like this a day ago. I'd be too scared of being seen or getting caught. But now, I entered the forbidden space determined not to take no for an answer. You only live once, right?

The room was huge and looked nothing like what I'd imagined. It was spotless, for one. I totally expected to see dirty towels and gym shoes thrown everywhere. The floor had navy blue carpet with our over-sized school logo stamped into it. There was a large area for dressing with what looked like king-sized, hardwood "cubbies" with the players' names on them, and then another area off to the side that led to what I think were the showers.

I went up to the players' dressing area to get a closer look. Each "cubby" had the corresponding player's helmet and uniform placed neatly inside with their number showing. I quickly found number five.



I dropped my stuff on the ground, walked up to the miniature walk-in closet, and traced my hands over his name plate. I grabbed a handful of his uniform shirt, brought the fabric to my face, and inhaled. I frowned. It didn't smell like anything. I sniffed again. Nope, nothing. Disappointed I turned and found the uniform with the number twenty-eight.


"What the fuck, Ally? Why are you in here?"

I jumped, dropped Brandon's clothes, and shoved my hands behind my back. I probably looked guilty as hell. Drew walked in with damp hair and skin, a towel around his waist. Oh. My. God. Maybe coming in here unannounced was a mistake. Drew was all thick, juicy muscle. He wasn't scary big like some of the defensive players, but you could tell he lifted. He had definition in muscles I couldn't even name. He was striking. I could only stare at him in admiration. I may only have eyes for Brandon, but I wasn't blind.

I forced myself to play it cool. "Calm down, it's just you and me. I checked."

He was not amused. "What do you want, nerd?"

"I'm calling in that IOU," I told him.

He looked closely at me then took a seat at his closet area, his towel wrapped tightly around his waist. "I do owe you don't I? Okay, what you got for me?"

I dug deep. No going back now. This was it. If I didn't get it out now, I never will. "I want you to teach me how to be sexy."

After a moment's hesitation, he said, "Are you serious?"

"Yes." At least he didn't laugh, which I totally expected.

"How am I supposed to do that?"

"You know what sexy is, right? Isn't that what you look for in a girlfriend? Teach me how to be like a girl you'd go out with."

He looked at me like I was being absurd. "I'd go out with you now, if it wasn't for your attitude problem and the lying. Also you'd probably need to do something about the way you dress...."

I ran a hand down the side of my knee-length wool skirt. He didn't like it? "Fine. See, you're already telling me things that I can improve. And fine, you say you'd go out with me, but what about Brandon? Would he date me as a ... nerd?"

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