Part 21

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Part 21
Kimberley's Point of View

I stood outside of Nicola's flat, waiting for her to answer. I had text her telling her I was coming, but I got no answer from her. I just hoped that she wasn't too surprised about me and Cheryl. We would have told her before anyone else, but Cheryl announced it to everyone at the same time. I could understand why she would be upset though. She was close to the both of us and none of us said anything to her about it. I was just about to ring the doorbell again when it swung open, revealing Nicola standing there with her arms folded over her chest.

“Come on in then.” She said coldly, opening the door wider and walking back inside. I followed her, closing the door behind me. When we got into the living room, I sat on the sofa across from her, she looked at me as she waited for me to say something to her.

“Are you angry?” I asked softly.

“Am I angry?” She repeated before laughing sarcastically. “No, I'm not angry. I'm upset and shocked.” She pulled her knees up to her chest and rested her chin upon them.

“Nic, we're both really sorry...”

“How long?” She asked bluntly. That was something I loved about Nicola. She just said things how they were and got straight to the  point of things.

“It's complicated.” I sighed. “We were together for six months before she left for America, but we broke up when she did. Then, when she came back, our feelings came back too. At first I tried to hate her, but I just couldn't do it. She done everything she could to regain my trust, she even broke up with Craig. I really love her, Nic.”

“Six months and she didn't tell me? I thought she was like my big sister. I thought she trusted me. Why didn't she tell me?” Nicola was getting more upset and angry by every word being said. She was talking more to herself, but I decided to answer her question. I had to make her understand Cheryl's actions at the time.

“She did trust you Nicola, she really did. Cheryl wanted you to be the first person we told, but we didn't know how to. The feelings were new to us, and we were so scared. We didn't know what people would think and we were scared that it would break the band apart. We were going to tell you, but Hillary and David found out and they made Cheryl break up with me before she left an-”

“What?” Nicola gasped loudly, interrupting me. “They made the two of you break up? Why would they f*cking do that?”

“They said that it would ruin Cheryl's career in America.”

“How the f*ck can it ruin her career?” She shouted furiously. “That's stupid! Dating anyone could ruin your career. It doesn't matter if they're a man or a woman!” Nicola sat quietly for a moment, trying to calm down. Finally, she began to speak again, but this time more quietly and softly. “That's why you were so upset when she left, wasn't it? That's why you didn't want us to talk about her or ask you questions about her?”

“Yeah.” I whispered nodding my head. It still hurt remembering all the pain I had to go through without Cheryl, but I wouldn't change it now. I had her back and I would go through it all again for her.
“I'm so sorry, Kimberley.” Nicola crossed the room and sat next to me, wrapping her arms around me. “I can't imagine how that must have been for you. You should have told someone, you could have talked to me about it. I hate knowing that you suffered for a year in silence.”

“I didn't know how I was meant to tell you.” I mumbled into her shoulder. “Things got easier after a few months though, I started dating Justin to take my mind off things.”

“Oh my god, you broke up with Justin so you could be with her, didn't you?” Nicola laughed as she pulled away from me a bit. Grinning at her, I nodded my head again in reply. “That is so cute.”

“Are you mad at me?”

“No babe, I'm so happy for you. I really am, you deserve to be happy and so does Cheryl.”

“So why did you run off?”

“Well one of the reasons was that I needed to pee. The show lasts so bloody long!” She joked, making me giggle. This was the Nicola I loved. “I was shocked and I felt so stupid. Looking back, it was so obvious that the two of you had something going on and I just couldn't believe that I was stupid enough not to see it.” She took my hand in hers and squeezed it gently. “I was never angry and I never thought for one minute that I didn't approve of the two of you. I think it's beautiful that the two of you have found love with each other.”

“Thanks for being so understanding Nicola.” I pulled her in for another hug. “I'm sorry we never told you sooner.”

“It's okay, you don't need to keep apologising. After what you told me, I understand why you didn't. Just remember though, you can tell me anything. You know that, right?”

“Of course I do, Nic.”


“I meant to ask earlier, where is Cheryl?” Nicola asked as she walked back into the living room holding two cups of tea. “She doesn't think I hate her or anything, does she?” Nicola suddenly looked worried. It was nice to see that their relationship was getting back on track.

“No, she doesn't think that.” I reassured her. “We just didn't know if you would want to see us both, and Cheryl thought I should come because I've been closer with you for this year. Hillary also had to speak to her so it made things easier if I came.”

“That's good.” She sighed in relief. “I do fancy having a chat with her though. Do you know when she's not busy?”

“I'm sure she'll make time for you whenever, babe.” I smiled. “She really wants to rebuild her relationship with you. She told me to tell you that if you wanted to talk to her then you could give her a call.”

As if on cue, my phone started ringing. I searched through my bag and finally found it. Pressing the accept button, I held it to my ear.
“Hey babe.” I smiled, knowing Cheryl was on the other line.

“Kimba...” She cried. “You need to come here, now.”

“Cheryl, what's wrong? What has happened? Where are you?” I started to worry, I had only been gone for about an hour and everything seemed fine before I left.

“I'll explain everything when you come home, Hillary and David aren't happy.”

“Wait, what is this about David? I thought you fired him?”

“I did, but he isn't part of my management team, he's still part of the band's management team. Please Kimba, just come home...”

“Right, I'll be home in ten minutes, don't worry.”

“I love you.” She sniffed.

“I love you too.”

The line went dead and I threw my phone back into my bag. Running my hands through my hair I sighed loudly. Why did everyone have to get involved in our business? It had nothing to do with the two of them. They had ruined it one time, they weren't going to do it again.

“Kimberley, is everything alright?” Nicola asked, sensing that something was wrong.

“No,” I replied truthfully. “Hillary and David aren't happy. Cheryl's at home crying. She wants me to go home now. I'm sorry that I'm leaving so soon.”

“Why are they even getting involved?” She questioned loudly. “It's none of their f*cking business.” She stood up from the sofa, placing her cup on the table. “Don't worry about leaving, I understand. We can have a catch up another time, and we can invite Cheryl. Just go and make sure she's okay.”

I stood up and after placing my cup next to hers, I gave Nicola a tight cuddle. “Thank you for being so understanding, it means so much.” I whispered into her ear.

“It's okay,” She whispered back. “Remember, I'm here for you. Just give me a call if you or Cheryl need anything. I hope everything is going to be okay.”

“Me too, Nic.” I pulled out of the hug and Nicola followed me to the front door. “I'll give you a call later tonight and keep you updated about what is going on. I know you, and I know you won't be able to stop worrying about it.”

“You know me too well.” She giggled. “You better go now, Cheryl will be getting worried. Send her my love and support.”

“I will babe, don't worry about it.”

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